program demo8 c This program computes in double precision the volume and c surface area of a ball. The radius is input by the user. c Note that all numbers, except integer exponents, are c written with double precision notation. Results are c printed in a table with write and format statements. double precision r, vol, surf, pi parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932D0) print *, "What is the radius of the ball ?" read *, r vol = (4D0 * pi * r ** 3)/3D0 surf = 4D0 * pi * r * r print * write (*,10) "Radius", "Volume", "Surface Area" 10 format (t10,a,t32,a,t57,a) write (*,20) r, vol, surf 20 format (f20.15,t22,f24.15,t48,f24.15) end