Course Offerings for 2005

We are working on the program for 2005. Some of last year’s courses will be kept, some in a modified form. We are working on additional courses, and the abstract below may be modified in spring. We will again offer Calculus I (Math 241 at UH Manoa). This is a regular college level course, and students can earn college credit. Those who like to take this course should see their high school counselor and apply to the Outreach College to become summer scholar. A good SAT score and a good grade for pre-calculus are required. Students need to also pass the Mathematics Department Assessment Test with a sufficiently high score. Tuition for this course is separate.



  1. Computer Graphics: This course is an exposition of modern computer graphics. This course will begin with an appreciation of computer graphics as it affects popular media today. We will then develop a basic knowledge of the biology of the eye and how we perceive light. A basic knowledge of the binary numeral system will be taught. From this foundation the ideas and architectures for digital still and motion graphics will be developed, with a focus toward current user applications that can be used to develop content. We will use knowledge of computer graphics to compliment web technologies. The goal is an understanding of how and why digital computer graphics are providing a revolution in media today. There may be two variants of this course adjusted to the age of the participants.

Instructor: Michael-Brian Ogawa (Instructor, UH)


  1. Astrochemistry and Astrobiology: This course presents a comprehensive introduction to the chemistry and biology in our solar system and between the stars. Starting with the basic knowledge of the chemical composition of extraterrestrial environments, we will develop elementary idea how to detect atoms and molecules in space and how molecules are formed. These ideas are expanded from simple species like water via organic molecules (alcohols, ketenes, acids) to complex systems like amino acids and sugars - basic ingredients of life as we know it. An excursion and star observations will actually help the students to visualize where in space a molecular evolution - and possibly the formation of extraterrestrial life -takes place.

Instructor: Corey Jamison, Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ralf Kaiser (Professor, UH)


  1. Reading French: Learning another language is a complex skill that includes listening, speaking, reading and writing.  This course proposes to concentrate on the skill of reading French.  Students should be able to read basic texts with a certain degree of comprehension at the end of the 5-week period.  While the language of study is French, students will also learn basic concepts of how languages are put together, in other words grammar will be reviewed.  Since at least 1/3 of English words have French origins and since French syntax is similar to English, students will learn to build on what they already know. This course will be for the younger age group of students finishing 8th or 9th grade.

Instructor: Amy Lee Healey, Faculty Advisor: Prof. Jean Toyama (UH)


  1. Explorations in Mathematics: Starting out with elementary ideas, we will go down the path of exploration and discovery. We will formulate the conclusions and try to explain them in general. Then we will apply the newly found knowledge in a variety of other settings. The emphasis is on experimentation and the development of structural thinking. The topics (network problems, elementary number theory, probability, and/or others) will be simple, albeit at the heart of important applications of mathematics in modern life.

Instructor: Andrea Bender (Punahou), supported by Prof. Ron Brown (UH)


  1. Submersibles and their Control: The first part of this class will be a basic introduction to hydrodynamics from a practical point of view.  We will discuss density, viscosity, buoyancy and how these relate to motion of underwater vehicles.  Students will study different types of underwater vehicles along with the respective applications and designs of such vehicles.  We will go to the UH pool to observe ODIN, an underwater vehicle built by the Autonomous Systems Laboratory at UH.  And, students will design their own submarine vehicle. The second part will be devoted to the theory. The notions of velocity and acceleration for a moving a object will be introduced. Examples of modeling of physical systems will be discussed and optimization criteria will be added. The theory will be supplemented by an introduction to numerical computations using Matlab.

Instructor:  Side Zhao (UH, Mechanical Engineering) and Ryan Smith (UH, Mathematics), Faculty Advisor:  Prof. Monique Chyba (UH, Mathematics)