Category Archives: Research

Invited Addresses

Wherein we mention some talks and organization of meetings by members of the faculty.


George Csordas: Plenary speaker: The International Paul Turán Memorial Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 22–26, 2011.
Title: Turán-type inequalities and the distribution of zeros of entire functions

George Csordas: Co-organizer of the NSF supported American Institute of Mathematics Workshop (Palo Alto, December 5–9, 2011). Title: Stability, hyperbolicity, and zero localization of functions


George Csordas: Plenary speaker: 18th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, August 13-17, 2010, Macao.
Title: Non-linear and linear operators and the zeros of entire functions


  • George Csordas: Co-Organized special session on
    Zeros and
    Gamma Lines
    for the 7th ISAAC Conference in London, England.
  • Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen: Marseilles, France; Heidelberg, Germany



  • George Csordas: Co-organizer of the American Institute of Mathematics
    (AIM) Workshop on

    Polya-Schur-Lax Problems: hyperbolicity and stability preservers
    Palo Alto, California and keynote speaker at the AIM Workshop.
    Main invited speaker at the
    International Workshop on Value Distribution Theory and Its Applications,
    Shandong University (Weihai), China. Invited lecture at the International
    Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and
    Applications, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan.
  • Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen: Wroclaw, Poland; Shanghai, China;
    Wellington, New Zealand


  • Ralph Freese: Budapest, Hungary
  • Leslie Wilson: Marseilles, France


  • Tom Craven: University of Ljubljana
  • George Csordas: ISAAC Congress, Catania, Sicily; CMFT Joensuu, Finland
  • Ralph Freese: CUAL Szeged, Hungary
  • Wayne Smith: Korea University, Seoul; Oberwolfach, Germany
  • George Wilkens: AMS, Lincoln, Nebraska


  • Ed Bertram: Ischia, Italy
  • Ralph Freese: ICFCA, Sydney, Australia
  • Erik Guentner: CIRM, Luminy, France; AMS meeting, Athens, OH;
    Fudan University, Shanghai, China;
    Vanderbilt University; Dartmouth College
  • David Ross:
    AMS meeting, Phoenix, AZ;
    International Conference M.ARI.AN., Pisa, Italy;
    Aveiro, Portugal
  • Wayne Smith: Dublin, Ireland
  • Leslie Wilson: AMS meeting, Boston; Real Algebraic; Geometry meeting,
    Kazimirz, Poland; Mount Holyoke College


  • Chris Allday: Oberwolfach, Germany
  • Monique Chyba: ENSEEIHT seminar, France
  • George Csordas: Hong Kong Univ.; Limoges, France (BDD); Clermont,
    France; Seville, Spain, (RSME–AMS); Toronto, Canada (ISAAC)
  • Karl Dovermann: University of Michigan
  • George Wilkens: AMS meeting, Boulder, CO
  • Leslie Wilson: Marseilles, France; Sapporo, Japan