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Online Grapher


Adding Functions
Press "Add Function" button and type in a formula to be graphed in standard mathematical notation (eg "e^(-x/10)sin(x)"). The only variable the formula can use is x. Use Pi for pi; for example, sin(Pi/2 x). You can add as many functions as you like, and "Delete Function" deletes the last one you entered.
This brings up a panel which you can use to edit the scale of the graph. The x variable runs between xMin and xMax, and the y values run between yMin and yMax. Use xScale and yScale to set the spacing of tick marks on the axes. If xScale or yScale is zero, the graph will have no tickmarks on that axis.
You can change the scale of your picture quickly with "Zoom In", "Zoom Out" and "Zoom to Box". The first two zoom in or out around the center of the graph. If you click and drag on the graphing window, you can draw out a box, and Zoom To Box will zoom in to make that box fill the whole window.

This program was one of John Orr's Java Projects. His homepage has several other interesting projects.