
Actuarial courses

Sample plan (under construction)
See also Applied/Actuarial emphasis

Semester Courses
1 MATH 241, ECON 130
2 MATH 242, ECON 131
3 MATH 243, ECON 300, MATH 370
4 MATH 244, ECON 301, MATH 372
5 ACC 200, ECON 425 (Econometrics)
6 ACC 210*
7 MATH 471
8 MATH 472

(*ACC 201 and 202 have been retired.)

VEE Course listing for UH Manoa (needs to be updated)

CAS path to success

1. Exam P (MATH 471 and 472)
2. Exam FM (MATH 370)
3. VEE Accounting and Finance (apply after completing two exams)
4. VEE Economics
5. Hired. New job!

As of July 2018, SOA requires VEE in:

  • Economics (required for Introductory-1 status)
  • Accounting and Finance (required for Introductory-1 status)
  • Mathematical Statistics (required for Introductory-2 status)
UH Manoa course Relevant actuarial requirement
MATH 471 Exam P
MATH 472 Exam P
MATH 370 Exam FM
ACC 202 (Introduction to Management Accounting) Prerequisite for BUS 314
ECON 130 (Principles of Microeconomics) VEE Economics; prereq for BUS 314
ECON 131 (Principles of Macroeconomics) VEE Economics; prereq for BUS 314
ECON 300 (Intermediate Macroeconomics) VEE Economics
ECON 301 (Intermediate Microeconomics) VEE Economics
MATH 472 VEE – Applied Statistical Methods (no longer required by SOA)
ECON 629 VEE – Applied Statistical Methods
VEE – Mathematical Statistics

*These courses cover some Exam FM material. A comprehensive Mathematics Department course geared toward Exam FM, MATH 370, was approved in 2023.

Approval code Course Number Course Name Begin Date End Date Acceptable Grades Documentation Required Additional Requirements
1204-12231 ECON629

Econometrics II 9/1/2011 6/30/2018 A+,A,A-,B+,B,B- Original Official Transcript

Approved for regression component only; must be paired with approved time series offering from any school or alternate provider.

1204-7369 MATH472

Statistical Inference 1/1/1975 12/31/2017 A+,A,A-,B+,B,B- Original Official Transcript

Approved for regression component only; must be paired with approved time series offering from any school or alternate provider.

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