Email: epsilva Office: PSB 304
I am currently an instructor at the University of Hawaii. I got my Ph.D. in 2014 from Indiana University under the direction of Ciprian Demeter focusing on the area of time-frequency analysis in harmonic analysis.
Research: I am interested in geometric aspects of de Branges spaces with application to number theory and spectral theory.
Analysis Seminar, Mathematical Physics Seminar
Previous affiliations
Caltech: Harry Bateman Instructor in mathematics 2014-2016
Indiana University Bloomington: Associate instructor 2008-2014
Papers and Preprints
- Vector-valued inequalities for families of bilinear Hilbert transforms and applications to bi-parameter problems, J. London Math. Soc. (2014) 90 (3): 695-724.
- [with Demeter, C.], Some new light on a few classical results, Colloquium Mathematicum, 140 (1): 129-147
- [with Biswas, A. and Martinez, V.], On Gevrey regularity of the supercritical SQG equation in critical Besov spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis (2015) 269 (10): 3083- 3119
Current Teaching
University of Hawaii
- Calculus I, III Fall 2018
Past Teaching
- Calc III Summer 2017
- Introduction to Mathematical Chaos (Ma 004/Ma104) Spring 2016
- Topics in Analysis (Ma111a) Spring 2016
- Real Analysis (Ma110a) Fall 2014
- Dynamical Systems (Hamiltonian dynamics) (Ma147b) Winter 2015
- Topics in Analysis (Ma111a) Winter 2015
- Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (Ma142) Fall 2014
Indiana University Bloomington
- Intro to Problem Solving
- Intro to Finite Math
- Brief Survey of Calculus I
- Finite Math
- Pre-Calculus
- Conducted Tier 1 Analysis problem-solving sessions