Mathematical Physics seminar


Spring 2020 we will meet Friday 3:30-4:30 in Keller 401 if there is no departmental colloquium, otherwise, we will meet on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 in Keller 413.



  • January 31- Prabath Silva

 The logic of a classical system: we will talk about the logic of a (classical) physical system. This is a very intuitive way of motivating the formulation of quantum mechanics (without operator theory, at first). We will go over how to recover operator theoretic formulation for QM in the next talk. We will follow Geometry quantum theory by Varadarajan. 

  • February 5- Prabath Silva

The Logic of a quantum system:  We will talk about the logic of a quantum system and define basic notions (observables, states, state space, dynamics) in this very intuitive setup. Then we will talk about how to recover the usual operator theoretical formulations when the logic is given by the standard logic (the lattice id closed subspaces of Hilbert space). The main result in this connection is the Geason’s theorem (we won’t prove it). The talk is an outline of chapter 4 of Geometry of Quantum theory book by Varadarajan.

  • February 12- Lance Ferrer 

Space-time (part 1): 

  • February 19- Lance Ferrer

Space-time (part 2):

  • February 26- Robert Abramovic

Spin Manifolds (Part 1)

  • March 4- Robert Abramovic

Spin Manifolds (Part 2)

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