Kenny Corea

About me:

email: kcorea@[math.]

I am lecturer at the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa. I received my bachelors in math and computer science from the University of California Santa Cruz. I received my masters and doctorate in math from the University of Hawai`i Mānoa under the supervision of Professor Rufus Willett.


Spring 2025:
Math 243 - Calculus III
Math 244 - Calculus IV
Math 302 - Introduction to Differential Equations
Math 307 - Introduction to Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Office hours: MTWR 2-3 Keller 402E


My area of mathematical interest lies in noncommutative geometry. My dissertation tried to extend the ideas of group property (T) to groupoids. See my defense slides for more.

Teaching Archive

Math 243 - Calculus III [Fall 2024]
Math 244 - Calculus IV [Fall 2024]
Math 311 - Introduction to Linear Algebra [Fall 2024]
Math 242 - Calculus II [Spring 2024]
Math 307 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations [Spring 2024]
Math 243 - Calculus III [Fall 2023]
Math 244 - Calculus IV [Fall 2023]
Math 302 - Introduction to Differential Equations I [Fall 2023]
Math 242 - Calculus II [Spring 2023]
Math 244 - Calculus IV [Spring 2023]
Math 307 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations [Spring 2023]
Math 242 - Calculus II [Fall 2022]
Math 307 - Linear Algebra and Diff. Eq's [Fall 2022]
Math 244 - Calculus IV [Spring 2022]
Math 244 - Calculus IV [Summer 2019]
Math 242 - Calculus II [Summer 2016]