Modular forms workshop

June, 16-21, 2015.

University of Hawaii at Manoa

Place and time

Department of Mathematics, Keller Hall, 401, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm


The focus areas include
  • Quasi-modular forms
  • p-adic families of modular and quasi-modular forms
  • Congruences related to modular forms and weak harmonic Maass forms
  • p-adic L-functions
  • Adelic approaches to modular forms and their values
  • Formal groups associated with modular forms


    Pavel Guerzhoy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
    Masanobu Kaneko, Kyushu University, Japan
    Alexei Panchishkin, Institut Fourier, France


The workshop is partially supported by Simons foundation collaboration grant.