IDVI Author's Guide

Preparing a Document for Viewing on the Web

This s a brief guide for author using idvi. There is a
more complete guide available. You need to have idvi installed on your system. If it isn't you can get it from the IDVI homepage.

To present a document on the web using IDVI:

  1. Prepare a dvi file as usual using TeX, LaTeX, or any other TeX package: (If it is a latex2e paper you might want to add \usepackage{hyperref} to automatically generate links when you refer to Theorems, etc. Add it after all other \usepackage's and if you have an .aux file, delete it before TeXing the firtst time after adding the hyperref package.)
    cd paperdir
    latex paper
    latex paper
  2. Create a new directory on the web server for your document, and go to that directory:
    cd ~/public_html
    mkdir newdir
    cd newdir
  3. Apply the command idvi to your dvi file to create html files in the current directory:
    idvi ~/paperdir/paper.dvi -title "A Paper"
  4. Make sure that the resulting files are visible to web browsers: (Not necessary on our systems unless you have changed your umask.)
    chmod go+rx .
    chmod go+r *
  5. Check the appearance of your document using a web browser:
    netscape &
  6. If you like the way it looks, add a link from your home page.