
Seminar on p-adic L-functions

The goal of this seminar is to cover various constructions of p-adic L-functions on the analytic side and understand how they differ. This seminar took place during summer and fall 2010.

Here are some lecture notes (v0.349, imperfect version). They will be updated as the seminar goes on. Comments, corrections, and suggestions are very welcome.
   When &
1Jul. 22, 11am
MCS 153
Rob H.Deligne's conjecture on special values of L-functions[D79]
2Jul. 26, 11am
MCS 153
Rob H.Coates–Perrin-Riou conjecture on p-adic L-functions of good ordinary motives, Part I[Co89a][Co91][Co89b][CoPR89][1]
3Aug. 5, 9am
MCS 153
Rob H.Coates–Perrin-Riou conjecture on p-adic L-functions of good ordinary motives, Part II[Co89a][Co91][Co89b][CoPR89][1]
4Aug. 11, 11am
MCS 153
Anderp-adic measures, pseudo-measures, h-admissible measures, p-adic distributions, Part I[Co89a][Cz99][Cz-FRpL][MzSwD74]
5Aug. 23, 11am
MCS 153
Anderp-adic measures, pseudo-measures, h-admissible measures, p-adic distributions, Part II[Co89a][Cz99][Cz-FRpL][MzSwD74]
6Aug. 27, 11am
MCS 153
Chan-Hop-adic L-functions of Dirichlet characters[Wa-ICF]
7Sep. 1, 11am
MCS 153
Glennp-adic L-functions of Hecke characters over totally real fields??
8Sep. 10, 2pm
MCS 180
Rob P.One- and two-variable p-adic L-functions of modular forms, Part I??
9Sep. 13, 10:15am
MCS 153
Rob P.
Rob H.
One- and two-variable p-adic L-functions of modular forms, Part II/Relation to Coates–Perrin-Riou Conjecture??
10Sep. 20, 10:15am
MCS 153
DavidSerre's construction of p-adic L-functions for Dirichlet characters[Se73]
11Sep. 27, 10:15am
MCS 153
Rob H.The Eisenstein measure construction for Dirichlet characters, Part I[Ka77]
12Oct. 4, 10:15am
MCS 153
Rob H.The Eisenstein measure construction for Dirichlet characters, Part II[Ka77]
13Oct. 18, 10:15am
MCS 153
JayKatz p-adic L-functions of Hecke characters of CM fields, Part I[Ka78]
14Oct. 25, 10:15am
MCS 153
JayKatz p-adic L-functions of Hecke characters of CM fields, Part II[Ka78]
15Nov. 1, 10:15am
MCS 153
No meetingNumber theory day off!--
16Nov. 8, 10:15am
MCS 153
Rob H.
Katz p-adic L-functions of Hecke characters of CM fields, Part III[Ka78]
17Nov. 15, 10:15am
MCS 153
MyoungilPanchishkin's approach to h-admissible measures[Pan02]
18Nov. 22, 10:15am
MCS 153
Anderp-adic L-functions and formal groups (d'après Katz), Part I[Ka77b]
19Nov. 29, 10:15am
MCS 153
Joël Bellaïche
Symmetric square p-adic L-function and ramification locus of the eigencurve (after Walter Kim)[Ki06]
20Dec. 6, 10:15am
MCS 153
Anderp-adic L-functions and formal groups (d'après Katz), Part II[Ka77b]
[1]: [Co91] is the most definitive account; the conjecture as in [CoPR89] and [Co89a] is incorrect.


[Co89a]John Coates, On p-adic L-functions, Séminaire Bourbaki, Vol. 1988/89
[Co89b]John Coates, p-adic L-functions attached to motives over Q II, Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat., 1989
[Co91]John Coates, Motivic p-adic L-functions, in "L-functions and arithmetic", Durham proceedings, 1991
[CoPR89]John Coates and Bernadette Perrin-Riou, p-adic L-functions attached to motives over Q, in "Algebraic number theory", Conference in honor of Iwasawa, 1989
[Cz99]Pierre Colmez, Fonctions L p-adiques, Séminaire Bourbaki, Vol. 1998/99
[Cz-FRpL]Pierre Colmez, Fontaine’s rings and p-adic L-functions
[D79]Pierre Deligne, Valeurs de fonctions L et périodes d'intégrales, in Corvallis proceedings, 1979
[Hi-SGL]Haruzo Hida, On the search of genuine p-adic modular L-functions for GL(n), Mémoires de la SMF, 1996
[HiTi93]Haruzo Hida and Jacques Tilouine, Anti-cyclotomic Katz p-adic L-functions and congruence modules, Ann. Sci. de l'ÉNS, 1993
[Ka77]Nick Katz, The Eisenstein measure and p-adic interpolation, Amer. J. Math., 1977
[Ka77b]Nick Katz, Formal groups and p-adic interpolation, in Journées Arithmétiques de Caen, 1977
[Ka78]Nick Katz, p-adic L-functions for CM fields, Inv. Math., 1978
[Ka81]Nick Katz, Another look at p-adic L-functions for totally real fields, Math. Ann., 1981
[Ki06]Walter Kim, Ramification points on the eigencurve and the two variable symmetric square p-adic L-function, Ph.D. thesis, UC Berkeley, 2006
[MzSwD74]Barry Mazur and Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, Arithmetic of Weil curves, Inv. Math., 1974
[Pan02]Alexei Panchishkin, A new method of constructing p-adic L-functions associated with modular forms, Mosc. Math. J., 2002
[Pan03]Alexei Panchishkin, Sur une condition suffisante pour l'existence de mesures p-adiques admissibles, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 2003
[Ri79]Ken Ribet, Report on p-adic L-functions over totally real fields, Journées Arithmétiques de Luminy, 1979
[Se73]Jean-Pierre Serre, Formes modulaires et fonctions zêta p-adiques, in Antwerp III, 1973
[Wa-ICF]Lawrence Washington, Introduction to cyclotomic fields, Springer-Verlag, GTM 83, 1997