MAT-201 : Multivariable Calculus, section C03B
Teacher: Rob Harron
Fall 2008
MWF 12:30pm-1:20pm
Jadwin A09 (in the basement)
Textbook: Thomas' Calculus, 11th edition, Part II
Graders: Zhiren Wang (before Fall break); Maja Taskovic (after Fall break)
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2pm–3pm
- First meeting: Friday, Sept. 12
- Review sessions: There will be weekly review sessions:
- When: Tuesdays, 7:30pm - 9:30pm (starting Sept. 16th)
- Where: Fine 314
- Held by: Adrian Banner
Course material:
- The main website for this course is on Blackboard, though I may post stuff here as well. If I post anything
important here, I will say so in class.
- All assignments are from the textbook and have already been posted on blackboard.
Last modified: 29th of September, 2008