MAT-203 : Advanced Multivariable Calculus, section C02
Teacher: Rob Harron
Fall 2006
MWF 11:00am-11:50am
Jadwin 111

Office Hours for Finals: See below for my office hours during the exam period. (Updated: my office hours on Sat. & Sun. have been moved to outside the Fine Library)

- In class on Monday, Oct. 23rd, I'll give a review for the midterm. If you have more questions, remember I have office hours Tuesdays 4:30-6:30.
- The midterm is set for Wednesday, Oct. 25th, from 7:30pm-9:00pm. It will be held in two rooms: Jadwin A09, and A10 (in the basement of Jadwin). Email me ASAP if you have conflicts.
- The midterm will cover sections 1.1-4.4 minus sections 1.4 and 3.5.

When:Thursday, Jan. 18th, 9:00am
Where:Jadwin A09 & A10
On What:The entire book, except for sections 3.5, 7.7, 8.5 & 8.6
- More on the FINAL: I will be holding office hours leading up to the exam:
Wed, Thurs, Fri (Jan. 10-12)4pm-6pmin the math common room (Fine Hall, 3rd floor)
Sat, Sun (Jan. 13-14)4pm-5:30pmoutside the Fine Library
 The other instructors will also be holding office hours, check blackboard for their availability.
 In addition, Prof. Chen will be holding a review session Monday, Jan. 15th from 2pm to 5pm in Jadwin A10.

- Equations of Planes: .dvi .pdf
- Lagrange Multipliers: .dvi .pdf
- Changing the order of integration for triple integrals: .pdf
- The Leibniz Rule: .dvi .pdf

Last modified: 12th of January, 2007