MATH 480 : Senior seminar, Section 1
Lecturer: Rob Harron
Spring 2016
Meetings: TTh 3:00pm–3:50pm
Bilger 335
Textbook: None
Office Hours: Tue. 1:45pm–2:45pm & Fri. 11:00am–12:00pm in my office (Keller 407)
Lecturer: Rob Harron
Spring 2016
Meetings: TTh 3:00pm–3:50pm
Bilger 335
Textbook: None
Office Hours: Tue. 1:45pm–2:45pm & Fri. 11:00am–12:00pm in my office (Keller 407)
- First lecture: Tuesday, Jan. 12
- Presentation schedule: I sent out the schedule for the first oral presentations by email
Course material:
- Syllabus
- The scheduled Undergraduate Colloquia are listed here
- Lecture 1:
- Some sample latex documents: HelloWorld.tex (pdf) and Sample1.tex (pdf); you can also check out the library's latex primer
- The SageMathCloud, where you can do all sorts of amazing things, including latex
- The AMS's MathSciNet database, the standard database to search for math papers. Another option is Zentralblatt MATH (as far as I can tell, UH doesn't have a subscription to zbMath; still this database allows three free results for any search, so as long as your search is specific enough you can get what you want).
- Math papers can take years to appear in print (and thus MathSciNet and zbMath can be years behind). So, if what you're looking for is something cutting edge, you should check out the arXiv
- Lecture 2:
- Sage worksheet about the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture (requires a SageMathCloud account, which is free)
- Lecture 3:
- Sage worksheet about the Riemann Hypothesis
- A sample partial adaptation of the above notes into slides for a talk using latex's 'beamer' package: Beamer.tex, Beamer.pdf (graphics files used: Primes_up_to_10_2.pdf, Primes_up_to_10_3.pdf, Primes_up_to_10_6.pdf, Approx_10_3.pdf, Approx_10_6.pdf)