MATH 661 : Introduction to algebraic number theory
Lecturer: Rob Harron
Spring 2017
Lectures: MWF 1:30pm–2:20pm
Keller 414
Recommended textbook: Alaca & Williams' Introductory to algebraic number theory
Office Hours: Mon. 2:30pm–3:30pm & Tue. 1:00pm–2:00pm.
My office is Keller 407, though you might find me in Keller 418, as well.
Lecturer: Rob Harron
Spring 2017
Lectures: MWF 1:30pm–2:20pm
Keller 414
Recommended textbook: Alaca & Williams' Introductory to algebraic number theory
Office Hours: Mon. 2:30pm–3:30pm & Tue. 1:00pm–2:00pm.
My office is Keller 407, though you might find me in Keller 418, as well.
- The recommended textbook by Alaca and Williams is a really nice book that contains a whole lot of worked out examples, as well some background algebra. It however does not cover all the material we'll be covering, nor does it use the same order. In terms of how we progress through the semester, Neukirch's Algebraic number theory is probably the closest to what we will do.
- First lecture: Monday, Jan. 9
- Midterm: take-home
- Final: take-home
Course material:
- Syllabus
- Latex preamble file for the assignments, if you're interested
- Assignment 1: Part 1, Parts 1 & 2, All 3 parts (latex), due in class, Fri., Jan. 20
- Assignment 2: Part 1, All 2 parts (latex file)
- Assignment 3: Part 1, Parts 1 & 2, All 3 parts (latex file)
- Assignment 4: Part 1, Parts 1 & 2, All 3 parts (latex file)
- Assignment 5: Part 1, Parts 1 & 2, All 3 parts (latex file)
- Assignment 6: Part 1, Parts 1 & 2, All 3 parts (latex file)
- Assignment 7: Part 1, All 2 parts (latex file)
- Assignment 8: Part 1, Part 2, All 3 parts (latex file)
- Examples of computing class groups
- Assignment 9: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, All 4 parts (latex file)
- Assignment 10: Part 1, All 2 parts (latex file)
- Assignment 11: Part 1, All 2 parts (latex file)