Some Information for Exam 1
- Date: September 25 (M), usual class place and time
- Permitted: You can bring in one page (one side of an 8x11 page) of "crib" notes containing anything you like.
- Otherwise: no text, no electronic devices, no calculators.
- The exam will cover the assigned material from 1.1-1.6, 2.1-2.3
- There might be an extra credit problem like one of the ones from the1.7/1.8 assignment.
- Most of the problems will be short answer/multiple choice (this will not be typical for the course!) and mainly like problems you have been assigned either in the text or in WebWork.
- Logic and Language (approximately 30%):
- Translations between English and propositional/predicate logic
- Determine whether certain sentences are true, and whether certain logical propositions (appropriately interpreted) are true
- Negations of statements in English, and formulas in propositional and predicate logic
- Equivalence of statements
- Syntax: identifying WFFs
- Logic: Truth Tables and their applications (approximately 30%):
- Validity of formulas
- Soundness/validity of deduction rules/logical forms
- Sets (approximately 35%):
- Definitions
- Operations and properties
- Funcions (something like the HW
- A proof of something (approximately 10%)
- (Yes, I know that 30+30+35+10>100)