Recent additions to this page:
Pages 1-6 of the EPPC packet distributed last spring (Note: 630K PDF file, requires Adobe Acroread)
Page 6 alone of that package (includes comparison table of cores in selected peer and benchmark institutions); html format (no special reader required).
Table comparing credit loads for current Manoa Core, current A&S Core, and Manoa+3+3+3 proposal.
General Core:
Trends in General Education and Core Curriculum: A Survey
(U. of Toronto report)
Boyer Commission Report
(Genesis of learning Communities
Student Advantage - Academic Life - Problems With Advisers Lead To Last-Minute Surprises
Duke Core:
Curriculum 2000: Index of the Report
Curriculum 2000: Report: Introduction
U of Chicago's exercise in core reduction:
CWN: College weighs slashing Core requirements
Dumbed-down Chicago Curriculum
"Nibbling at the Core"
Must the University of Chicago loosen up?
UH Manoa links:
UHM core task force discussion page
General Liberal Arts links:
Op-ed pieces:
Liberal arts take a back seat
(John Hope Franklin)
Trivium, Quadrivium, etc:
Catholic Encyclopedia
Dorothy Sayers (!)