
I have two principal strands of research. One involves Max Dehn's conjugacy problem, looking for ways to use the geometry of groups to understand more about the nature of conjugacy in infinite groups. In a different direction I have been investigating the properties of outer automorphism groups of graph products, such as right-angled Artin groups. I also have a couple of papers on wreath products, for example, with Ben Hayes, we showed that the wreath product of two sofic groups is sofic.

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My DPhil thesis, supervised by Cornelia Drutu, is available here.

The Length of Conjugators in Solvable Groups and Lattices of Semisimple Lie Groups, University of Oxford, Dec 2012.

Other papers:

  • The wreath product of two sofic groups is sofic, with Ben Hayes

    This paper was the initial version of what later became Metric approximations of wreath products (2018; arXiv link). It is notably shorter at 8 pages, and much of the technical details required for generalising the result are not needed here. Any reader interested only in the result for sofic groups may find it easier to start here.

  • Short conjugators in solvable groups,
  • All results in this paper were either generalised in the sequel Conjugacy length in group extensions (2016; arXiv link), or can be found in The geometry of the conjugacy problem in lamplighter groups (2016; arXiv link).