I am currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Hawaii. Previously, I was an Acting Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Washington, working with Don Marshall. Before that, I spent two years as a NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Mathematics of Stony Brook University, working with Chris Bishop. I did my Ph.D. at Université Laval and my thesis advisor was Thomas Ransford.
My main interests are in complex analysis, more precisely geometric function theory. This includes subjects such as holomorphic motions, removability, extremal problems in spaces of analytic functions (mainly analytic capacity), conformal and quasiconformal mappings, conformal welding, etc. I am also interested in holomorphic dynamics, numerical methods in complex analysis, Schramm-Loewner Evolution and potential theory.
As a Summer research project part of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Irvin Chang and I developed an executable program for the numerical computation of Analytic Capacity:
Click here for more information and to download the program.
Here are some pictures from the paper Fekete polynomials and shapes of Julia sets.
Below is the filled Julia set of a polynomial of degree 351 approximating the shapes of a heart, a fish and a diamond.
Here, a zoomed portion of the boundary of the fish where one can see small distorted copies of the heart and the diamond.
Below is the filled Julia set of a polynomial of degree 701 approximating the shape of a rabbit.
Below is the filled Julia set of a polynomial of degree 701 approximating the shape of Batman.
Finally, below is the filled Julia set of a polynomial of degree 2001 approximating the initials K,L,M,Y.