MATH 301 - Discrete Math

Current Office Hours:

Walk-in: Wednesday 3:30-5

By appointment: zoom or in person, MF 3:30-5

Other times are also possible.

Departmental Academic Expectations


Click here for latest version of the Syllabus

Lecture notes/slides

(October 2: added more number theory)
(September 29: added some number theory sections)
(September 15: added sections on functions and infinite cardinalities)
(August 25: added sections on propositions and propositional logic)
(August 25: removed "functions" section! [will do it after Ch. 1])
(August 23: corrected some typos)
(August 23: added "functions" section)


I would like everyone to try the first assignment, which is called "Orientation"as soon as possible. These are some simple problems you should all be able to do, together with instructions on using the interface. I am not counting your score on this one, but I want to see that you've at least tried a selection of the problems.

I will put up a 'real' assignment in the next couple of days.

VIDEO TUTORIAL (best viewed in fullscreen mode; use controls to pause or single step)

(Note: no sound in the video.)

To log in to WebWork, go to

Your login should be either your UH email address, or the part of that address before the @ sign. For example, if your UH email is, your login should be myname

Your initial password is your 8 digit UH ID number.

This is a FREE FOR YOU online homework system. As discussed in the syllabus and in class, I will be giving some assignments using it. It isn't hard to use, and will even let you check correctness of your answers before submitting them.

Aug 21 (M) Go over syllabus, start Chapter 2
Aug 23 (W) Continue Ch. 2 (most of 2.1,2.2)

Do for Friday:

Read 2.1, 2.2.1--2.2.4


2.1/5,7,9,11,45, 47 (easy, should just take a short time)

These are harder: 2.1/20, 25

Do not hand in any of these! But do them for Friday, we'll discuss them Friday and Monday.

Aug 25 (F) Finish 2.2; discuss HW


2.1/ 19, 27,31, 35, 37, 41, 25
2.2/29, 31, 38, 40, 53
2.2/5, 13, 21a, (these involve proofs)

Do not hand in any of these! But do them for Monday, we'll discuss them Monday and Wednesday.

Turn the following in on Wednesday, Sep 6:


Aug 28 (M)

Class: Start propositional logic (1.1-1.3)

Aug 30 (W)

Class: Continue propositional logic (1.1-1.3)

Sep 1 (F) NO CLASS TODAY! WATCH THE TRUTH TABLE VIDEO INSTEAD! ========> Video on Truth Tables

This was created for another class, so:

  1. It uses ~ instead of ¬ for negations;
  2. It refers to a different text than yours;
  3. It corresponds to pages 46++ in your notes;
  4. it is a little slow (16 minutes)
Sep 4 (M) No class; labor day.

I've made the first WW assignment due at midnight tonight, but respect the holiday and get it done sooner!

Sep 6 (W) Class: Continue Prop logic (through 1.3). Comments about deductions (1.6) More TT examples. Discuss syntactics.

Reading note: Boolean circuits/Logic gates etc (1.2.6) optional, for now.


These are informal; you probably do not need to write them up, just do enough so that you are comfortable with the way the language works:
1.1/5, 7, 11aegh, 13, 25, 27,

More "mathematical" problems. You might need to refer to the video on truth tables.
1.1/31, 33cd, 37cf, 43

Do not hand in any of these! But do them for Friday Sep. 8, we'll discuss them Friday and Monday, Sep 11.

1.2/5, 9, 11, 21
1.3/13, 21,44, 47-49, 58
Do not hand in any of these! But do them for Monday Sep 11, we'll discuss them Monday and Wednesday Sep 13.

Turn in Friday, Sep 15:

1.3/50, 51, 54

discuss these next Wednesday (Sep. 13)

NOTE: You might find it handy to have printouts of pages 56 and 59 from the posted lecture notes with you in class today!

Sep 8 (F) Class: Questions about HW (1.1). Continue logic (1.4-1.6)


Sep 11 (M) Class: Questions about HW (1.2, 1.3) Finish predicate logic.

Assignment on Predicate Logic:

Read 1.4.1-1.4.10, 1.4.12
Read 1.5

1.4/7, 13; 15-39 odd multiples of 3; convince yourself that 49 is true
1.5/9, 15
1.6/9ac,15, 19, 23

Do not hand in any of these! We will discuss them Wednesday.Friday, Sep. 15. There will be a WebWork assignment covering some of this material.

Preparation for today and MondayWednesday:
Read 1.7, 1.8

Sep 13 (W) Class: Questions about HW (1.3). Start proofs (1.7,1.8)?

Assignment on this material:

1.7/3, 9, 10, 15, 19, 27, 37, 41

Do not hand in any of these! We will discuss them Monday, Sep. 18.

Sep 15 (F)

Class: Questions about HW (1.4-6)

Continue 1.7, 1.8 examples

HW is due today from 1.3

1.8/3, 7, 11, 43

Do not hand these in! We will discuss them Wednesday, Sep. 20

Turn in the following on Friday, Sep. 22:

1.7/ 28

Sep 18 (M) Class: Questions about HW (1.7)

Functions. Start infinite sets?

These should be review/easy:

Thse are a little harder:

Do not hand in any of these at this time! (I'm hoping to cover some of it by webwork). We will discuss them Wednesday. I might change my mind and have you turn in 42 and 43.

Vdeos on sequences and series (2.4)

This should be review for anyone who has taken Math 242 or 252. I will not be assigning any work from this, but at some future time (starting in Ch. 4, but especially Ch. 5) I will be assuming you are familiar with the notation and some of the manipulations in these videos.

Sep 20 (W) Class: Questions about HW (1.8, 2.3)

Continue infinite sets

Sep 22 (F)

HW is due today from 1.7, 1.8

Sep 25 (M) Midterm I

Covers 1.1-1.6, 2.1-2.3

More information on the exam

Solutions to Exam I.

The voiceover (except for the last 5 minutes) disappeared when I transcoded it for uploading. I will see if I can retrieve it when I get back to campus on Monday morning. Hopefully what I wrte is sufficiently clear that you won't need the verbal explanations.

(Added Monday morning: No, sorry, the audio is irretrievably lost.)

Sep 27 (W) Infinite Sets

2.5/3, 11, 15, 30, 38

Turn in the following on Friday, Oct. 6

2.5/4c,d, 16

We'll discuss these problems on Wednesday, Oct. 4

Sep 29 (F) Finish infinite sets

Start number theory (Chapter 4).

Oct 2 (M) Class: Finish infinite sets

Oct 4 (W) Class: discuss 2.5 homework; start number theory (Chapter 4)

Problems from 2.5 due today!

Get started with these (do not turn in):

4.1/3, 4, 7,13a-d,

Discuss these on Wednesday, Oct 11

Oct 6 (F)

Class: Continue Number Theory

Problems from 2.5 due today!

Oct 9 (M)

Class: Continue Number Theory: Euclidean Algorithm, Bezout's Theorem; start modular arithmetic?

Some more HW; these involve modular arithmetic and Bezout's Thm:

4.1/17ace, 27ab, 31, 37, 44, 45
4.3/31, 33, 39

Do not turn these in.

Discuss these Friday, Oct. 13

The following to be turned in Oct 16 (Monday):

4.1/44, 45
4.3/40f, 49

Oct 11 (W)

Class: Continue Number Theory: Modular arithmetic

Discuss HW from the first set from 4.1,4.3

Oct 13 (F)

Class: Continue Modular arithmetic

Discuss HW from the second set from 4.1,4.3


4.4/5ad, 9, 11c, 13, 17, 21, 33, 35, 39 (this is a great problem!)

(do not hand these in; we'll discuss them Oct 20)

Oct 16 (M)

Class: Continue Modular arithmetic; FLT; CRT

Some extra exercise on FLT, CRT

We can discuss these Friday Oct 20

Oct 18 (W) Class: Proof of FLT; Number Bases
Oct 20 (F) Class: Exam review; discuss all HW (including extra exercises) Solutions to some of the extra exercises on FLT, CRT

Oct 23 (M) Midterm II

Covers 1.7-8, 2.5, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4; possibly 4.2 through 4.2.2

Just a reminder: you will NOT be allowed a calculator, you WILL be allowed a crib sheet (one side of an 8.5x11 sheet of paper with anything you like on it).

Solution to 4.4#39, by request

Solution to 2.4#30 by request

Oct 25 (W) Class: Proof of FLT; Number bases (4.2.1,4.2.2)

Watch video=====>


4.2/1,3,7; look at 34,35 (after viewing the video)

Is 34628744940 divisible by 9? By 3? By 4? By 5? By 20?

We'll discuss these on Monday

3 minute video on number bases (the "divisible by 3 or 9" trick"); sorry if the music is distracting.

Oct 27 (F) Class: Discuss exam. RSA Crypto Slides for RSA Crypto

An RSA example

Oct 30 (M) Class: Discuss exam. RSA Crypto

HW: 4.6/25,27

Do not turn in (yet). We will discuss these Nov 6

Nov 1 (W) Class: Induction (5.1,2)

5.1/3, 4, 15, 33, 41, 44, 45 (important!), 57, 64, 77; look at 49-51

Nov 3 (F) Class: Induction (continued)

5.2/3,7, 29,35, 40; look at 25, 27, 38
Do not turn these in!

Turn in the following:

5.1/6, 52
Due Wednesday, Nov 8

Discuss all the HW on Monday, Nov. 6

Video: Induction, Strong Induction, and the WO property are equivalent

(Here is the hardcopy produced in that video.)

Nov 6 (M) Class: Induction (continued); recursion. Discuss HW from 5.1, 5.2

5.3/3, 5a-d,9,13, (26,27,35,37 are "structural induction", might show up as extra credit)

Discuss the 5.3 HW on Monday, Nov. 13

Babylonian algorithm for finding square root.
Nov 8 (W) Class: Recurrance relations (8.1,2)


8.1/3, 11, 24,25, 27, 28

Turn in only numbers 27 and 28 (your solution for 27 should have an explanation for the recurrence) on Nov. 15

Chapter 8.2 HW will be by WebWork, but you might want to look at the following as practice for the exam:

8.2/15, 23, 27

A harder nonhomogeneous example.
Nov 10 (F) No class (Veteran's Day)
Nov 13 (M) Class: Finish recurrence relations
Nov 15 (W) Exam review
Nov 17 (F) Midterm 3

Covers: 4.2, 4.6, 5.1-3, 8.1-2

Here are some additional problems you might want to look at (in addition to the homework from these sections):

p326/9, 13 (done in video!), 24
p400/5, 9, 11
p402/55 (by induction, without using the recursion relation machinery)

Added Nov. 16: Here are some formulas I will give you (so you don't need to write them down on your crib sheet)

Nov 20 (M) Start combinatorics.

See videos==>

Some of the formulas we've covered either in class or in the videos. (Some slides for today's class.)

Videos on counting formulas (combinatorics):

Slides for these videos

Nov 22 (W)

Class: Continue combinatorics (6.1,6.3, 8.5-6)

Problems from these sections problems will be mainly in WW, but you could look also at:

6.1/3, 23, 29, 45, 49, 65, 67
6.3/11,13, 21, 23, 29,33

We can talk about these on Monday, Nov. 27

8.5/5,7,17,19 <==these should be quick!
8.6/7,11 (these two are easy),17 (harder!)

We'll talk about these on Friday, Dec. 1

NOTE: I'll be making the WW on 6.1 and 6.3 due soon (Monday), WW on the rest of Ch. 6 and on Ch. 8 due much later (Dec. 3)

Nov 27 (M)

Class: Continue combinatorics (6.2, 6.4-5)

6.4/7, 11; 29, 35; think about 25a
6.5/9, 11, 13, 15

We'll talk about these on Friday, Dec. 1

Nov 29 (W) Class: Finish combinatorics; start graph theory(?)

Slides from class lectures on graph theory.

Suggested reading from Chapter 10

10.1, 10.2.1-10.2.5
10.5.1-10.5.3 (uses the definition of "simple path" introduced in 10.4)
10.8.1 (read for the history of the 4-color problem)

Dec. 1

Class: continue graph theory

Ch. 10 problems (extra practice in addition to the WebWork; don't hand in!):

10.2/3,5,7, 23
10.5/1,5,9, 13, 15, 31, 35, 42
10.8/3, 5, 11

Dec. 4

Class: continue graph theory

Dec. 6 Discuss HW Ch 10

By Zoom, 2-whenever

Check your email or laulima for login information


Monday, Dec. 11, 2:15-4:15
Usual classroom (Keller 301)

Probable rough breakdown:

logic & sets 15%
number theory 20%
RSA 0%
Inductiion 20%
Combinatorics and recurrence relations 30%
Graph Theory 15%


Here are the formulas I will give you on the exam.

(Of course, you can also bring in your own formula sheet, 2 sides of an 8.5x11 sheet of paper.)


(Also, please check that I have your midterm grades recorded correctly!)