Date | Time | Material | Resources |
18 June | 16:40-18:10 | Introduction | M. Chyba, G. Picot | | Presentation 1 |
22 June | 13:00-14:30 | Lecture: Lie brackets, Lie algebras, systems with piecewise constant controls | M. Chyba |
| Chapter 1 |
22 June | 14:40-16:20 | Lecture: Frobenius and Nagano-Sussman theorem, Poisson stability | M. Chyba |
| Chapter 2
22 June | 16:40-18:10 | Problems session, controllability | G. Picot | | Controllability, Solutions |
24 June | 16:40-18:10 | Chow's therem, enlargment techniques, introduction to calculus of variation | M. Chyba |
| Chapter 2 |
25 June | 16:40-18:10 | Optimal control applied to space mechanics | G. Picot, S. Brelsford | | Presentation 2 |
29 June | 13:00-14:30 | Lecture: Introduction to Calculus of Variations, Euler-Lagrange Equations, Hamiltonian Equations and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation | M. Chyba |
| Chapter 3 |
29 June | 14:40-16:20 | Lecture: Second Order Conditions, The Accessory Problem and the Jacobi Equation, Scalar Riccati Equation | M. Chyba |
Chapter 3 |
29 June | 16:40-18:10 | Problems session, Euler-Lagrange Eq. | G. Picot | | Euler-Lagrange equations, Solutions |
01 July | 16:40-18:10 | Lecture: Historical introduction, Pontryagin's Maximum Priciple and Weak Pontryagin's Maximum Priciple |
B. Bonnard |
Course notes, July 1st |
02 July | 16:40-18:10 | Problems session, Weak Maximum Principle | G. Picot | | Weak Maximum Principle, Solutions |
06 July | 13:00-14:30 | Lecture: Application to Riemannian and Sub-Riemannian geometric-Classification Sub-Riemannian in dimension 3 |
B. Bonnard |
| Course notes, July 6th and Chapter 4 |
06 July | 14:40-16:20 | Lecture: Application to the swimming problem at low Reynolds number |
B. Bonnard |
| The copepod swimmer |
06 July | 16:40-18:10 | A hybrid control model of fractone-dependent morphogenesi (part 1) | A. Tamura-Saro | | Presentation 3 |
08 July | 16:40-18:10 | Lecture | Working example: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
09 July | 16:40-18:10 | A hybrid control model of fractone-dependent morphogenesis (part 2) | A. Tamura-Saro | | Presentation 4 |
13 July | 13:00-14:30 | |
13 July | 14:40-16:20 | | Homework |