Geometric optimal control with applications

Monique Chyba,
Gautier Picot,
Aaron Tamura Sato,
Steven Brelsford,
Department of Mathematics, University of Hawaii2565 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA

Bernard Bonnard,
Inria Sophia Antipolis and Institut de Mathematiques de Bourgogne,
9 avenue Savary, 21078 Dijon, France

optimal control
    18 June 16:40-18:10
    M. Chyba, G. Picot
    Presentation 1
    22 June 13:00-14:30
    Lecture: Lie brackets, Lie algebras, systems with piecewise constant controls
    M. Chyba
    Chapter 1
    22 June 14:40-16:20
    Lecture: Frobenius and Nagano-Sussman theorem, Poisson stability
    M. Chyba
    Chapter 2
    22 June 16:40-18:10
    Problems session, controllability
    G. Picot
    Controllability, Solutions
    24 June 16:40-18:10
    Chow's therem, enlargment techniques, introduction to calculus of variation
    M. Chyba
    Chapter 2
    25 June 16:40-18:10
    Optimal control applied to space mechanics
    G. Picot, S. Brelsford
    Presentation 2
    29 June 13:00-14:30
    Lecture: Introduction to Calculus of Variations, Euler-Lagrange Equations, Hamiltonian Equations and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
    M. Chyba
    Chapter 3
    29 June 14:40-16:20
    Lecture: Second Order Conditions, The Accessory Problem and the Jacobi Equation, Scalar Riccati Equation
    M. Chyba
    Chapter 3
    29 June 16:40-18:10
    Problems session, Euler-Lagrange Eq.
    G. Picot
    Euler-Lagrange equations, Solutions
    01 July 16:40-18:10
    Lecture: Historical introduction, Pontryagin's Maximum Priciple and Weak Pontryagin's Maximum Priciple
    B. Bonnard
    Course notes, July 1st
    02 July 16:40-18:10
    Problems session, Weak Maximum Principle
    G. Picot
    Weak Maximum Principle, Solutions
    06 July 13:00-14:30
    Lecture: Application to Riemannian and Sub-Riemannian geometric-Classification Sub-Riemannian in dimension 3
    B. Bonnard
    Course notes, July 6th and Chapter 4
    06 July 14:40-16:20
    Lecture: Application to the swimming problem at low Reynolds number
    B. Bonnard
    The copepod swimmer
    06 July 16:40-18:10
    A hybrid control model of fractone-dependent morphogenesi (part 1)
    A. Tamura-Saro
    Presentation 3
    08 July 16:40-18:10LectureWorking example: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    09 July 16:40-18:10
    A hybrid control model of fractone-dependent morphogenesis (part 2)
    A. Tamura-Saro
    Presentation 4
    13 July 13:00-14:30
    B. Bonnard
    13 July 14:40-16:20
    B. Bonnard