Continuing the theme of symbolic dynamics, I will demonstrate a proof of Simpson’s result that “Entropy = Dimension” for N^d and Z^d, and discuss some of Adam Day’s work generalizing these results to amenable groups.
This week Umar Gaffar will give Shelah’s proof of the following result:
Let $\lambda$ be the cardinality of an ultraproduct of finite sets. If $\lambda$ is infinite then $\lambda=\lambda^{\aleph_0}$.
David Webb will continue to discuss results from Adam Day’s paper on amenability and symbolic dynamics.
This week in the Logic Seminar in Keller 314, David Ross will give an easy proof of a slight extension of a result of Lagarias on the Diophantine equation
$$ c(1/x_1+cdots+1/x_s)+b/(x_1 x_2cdots x_s)=a$$
The proof will be nonstandard, but really only require a sufficiently-saturated ordered field extension of $mathbb R$.