Lei Liu completed her Master’s degree with the project title Complexity of Options in 2017.
An extension to monotone options (pictured) was presented at ALH-2018. The new paper is called The number of languages with maximum state complexity and has been accepted for TAMC 2019.
As of 2022, the paper has been through 7 revisions and has been accepted for publication in the journal Algebra Universalis.
After Jake Fennick’s MA project in the proof assistant Isabelle in 2019, I have advised two Master’s students whose project focused on another popular proof assistant, Lean:
Hugh Chou, 2021: Formalizing my paper on a conflict in the Carmo and Jones approach to contrary-to-duty deontic obligations.
Ryan T. Sasaki, 2022: Formalizing a time-invariance theorem for Redington immunization in financial mathematics.
Ishigami and Tani studied VC-dimensions of finite automata. We show that their results apply to a new notion, lower VC-dimension, where all sets (instead of some set) of a given cardinality must be shattered. We also relate the VC-dimension to the Separating Words problem.
The automatic complexity of a word was introduced by Shallit and Wang in 2001 and studied further by Kjos-Hanssen since 2013. In this work we develop an implementation of a lower bound on the complexity involving occurrences of powers of words, such as the occurrence of “humu” twice in “humuhumunukunukuapua’a”.
Kaui Yogi completed his Master project in Spring 2018. With Achilles Beros we have a new paper on Planar digraphs for automatic complexity based in part on Yogi’s project work and accepted at TAMC 2019.
Spring 2017 saw the last MATH 373 class ever, as we transitioned to MATH 372 combining MATH 371 (probability) and 373 (statistics).
Final cohort MATH 373 students Tiffany Eulalio and Jake Koki’s term paper on apartment rental prices in Honolulu has been accepted for publication in undergraduate journal Manoa Horizons volume II.
2014 M.A. graduate Malihe Alikhani completed her Master’s project on American option pricing and optimal stopping for success runs. She participated in the Cornell Summer School in Probability 2014.
Her project constitutes one of the parts of the new paper Pricing Complexity Options, which appeared in Algorithmic Finance, 2015.