
Graduate Program in Logic

The Department of Mathematics at University of Hawaii at Manoa has long had an informal graduate program in logic, lattice theory, and universal algebra going back to Alfred Tarski’s student William Hanf.
Starting in 2016, things are getting a little more formal.

We intend the following course rotation (repeating after two years):

Semester Course number Course title
Fall 2015 MATH 649B Graduate Seminar
Spring 2016 MATH 649* Applied Model Theory
Fall 2016 MATH 654* Graduate Introduction to Logic
Spring 2017 MATH 657 Computability and Complexity

*Actual course numbers may vary.

Faculty who may teach in the program

David A. Ross, Professor
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, Professor
Mushfeq Khan, Temporary Assistant Professor 2014-2017
Achilles Beros, Temporary Assistant Professor 2015-2017