High Score Table

Complexity Guessing Game

The top spots are inhabitated by computability theorists such as Mushfeq Khan, Rutger Kuyper, Rupert Hölzl, Greg Igusa.

Rank Name # times correct ($a$) # times wrong ($b$) Bayesian proportion ($\frac{a+100}{a+b+200}$)
1 qefhsum 1000 0 0.917
2 Rutger 500 0 0.857
3 Rupert 333 3 0.808
4 Greg 105 39 0.596
5 Patrick Chambers 121 57 0.585
6 44 19 0 0.543
7 Peter Hengyao Han 25 7 0.539
8 David 25 13 0.525
9 Emma 10 1 0.521
10 domotorp 14 8 0.514
11 Bert 7 3 0.51
Alexey 6 2 0.51
Kayleigh Hyde 4 0 0.51
14 adam 7 4 0.507
2 6 3 0.507
amir 4 1 0.507
17 abelard 3 1 0.505
Znevhf 3 1 0.505
Noah 3 1 0.505
d-wax 2 0 0.505
charli 2 0 0.505
reza 2 0 0.505
Evgeny 2 0 0.505
Cameron 2 0 0.505
9 2 0 0.505
Bradley Valiente 2 0 0.505
niels 2 0 0.505
Erin 2 0 0.505
29 Jack 15 14 0.502
Kevin Buzzard 9 8 0.502
James Myer 6 5 0.502
Binh 5 4 0.502
Tyler Iyomasa 4 3 0.502
Abdel 4 3 0.502
Lionel 4 3 0.502
Pedro 2 1 0.502
Victor 2 1 0.502
Sonia 2 1 0.502
sdv 1 0 0.502
swathi 1 0 0.502
tr 1 0 0.502
Matt 1 0 0.502
hello 1 0 0.502
thomas 1 0 0.502
ewrerewrw 1 0 0.502
tes 1 0 0.502
NICOLAS BAEZ 1 0 0.502
achraf 1 0 0.502
Uncultured Tramp 1 0 0.502
Jane 1 0 0.502
orlp 1 0 0.502
Onkar 1 0 0.502
Morrison 1 0 0.502
antoine 1 0 0.502
Nash 1 0 0.502
sdfa 1 0 0.502
Sander 1 0 0.502
Paul 1 0 0.502
Magnus Talberg 1 0 0.502
popo 1 0 0.502
;pl\'p;l\'p,l 1 0 0.502
cc 1 0 0.502
pincopallino 1 0 0.502
Stu 1 0 0.502
Rune 1 0 0.502
mehdi 1 0 0.502
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 0 0.502
juan 1 0 0.502
asdassdasdsad 1 0 0.502
fiona 1 0 0.502
Jesse 1 0 0.502
hgfhdgf 1 0 0.502
efte 1 0 0.502
Jeff 1 0 0.502
rajat 1 0 0.502
Deepal 1 0 0.502
Damien 1 0 0.502
heptagon 1 0 0.502
Zain 1 0 0.502
aaaa 1 0 0.502
Michal 1 0 0.502
BALAJI 1 0 0.502
pete 1 0 0.502
Rune 1 0 0.502
sajal 1 0 0.502
han 1 0 0.502
asd 1 0 0.502
12 1 0 0.502
3 1 0 0.502
jass 1 0 0.502
Yarramsetti Durga Sai Ratna Kumar 1 0 0.502
Шш 1 0 0.502
93 Pinco pallino 13 13 0.5
Turbo 4 4 0.5
Neil 2 2 0.5
Lynne Higa 2 2 0.5
Morten 2 2 0.5
bald 2 2 0.5
Peter 2 2 0.5
Toby 2 2 0.5
manor 1 1 0.5
4 1 1 0.5
pluto 1 1 0.5
James 1 1 0.5
David Cervantes Nava 1 1 0.5
kk 1 1 0.5
josh 1 1 0.5
Daniel 1 1 0.5
Doralisa 1 1 0.5
chack 1 1 0.5
weakmath 1 1 0.5
Conrado 1 1 0.5
smilex 1 1 0.5
brikir 1 1 0.5
Dylan C. Beck 1 1 0.5
Muzamil 1 1 0.5
Xukou Ling 1 1 0.5
Nick Gur 1 1 0.5
Anthony 1 1 0.5
asdfadsf 1 1 0.5

Note: Entries under nondescript and extremely short names, such as "n", may be deleted periodically.