MATH 253A Fall 2017
There are 2 midterms of which the best 1 counts. Homework may not be late, and the two lowest homeworks are dropped.
HW 5%
Midterms 45%
Final 50%
MATH 252A Spring 2017
Information about MATH 251A is available on Laulima.
Chapter 16 from publisher’s site
Chapter 17 from publisher’s site
MATH 252A homework and lecture problems
There are 3 midterms of which the best 2 count. Homework may not be late, and the two lowest homeworks are dropped.
MATH 251A Fall 2016
For MATH 251A we follow Wayne Smith’s syllabus fairly closely:
Syllabus for Math 241 Fall 2016
Class: lecture TuTh 9:00 – 10:15, Keller 301; Lab (disc. sect.) F 9:30 – 10:20, Keller 401
Instructor: Wayne Smith; Phone: 956-4664; email: wayne at
Office hours: M 1:30 – 2:30, Tu 10:30 – 11:30, Th 12:00 – 1:00 and by appointment in Physical Sciences 407
Web page:
TA: Mindy Case, Office: Keller 312 Hours: MW 12:30-1:30, F 10:30-11:30;
Recitation Section Syllabus.
Learning Emporium: Tutoring will be available in the Learning Emporium located in Bilger Addition 209.
Initial hours are TBA.
Text: The text for this course is University Calculus (Alternate Edition),
by Hass, Weir, and Thomas. Chapters 2 through 6 of this book will be covered.
Math Department’s detailed course description.
Grading: Course grades will be based on Lab(75 points), homework (75), 2 midterms (100+100), and a final (150). This makes 500 points possible for the semester. Students who get at least 85% of the 500 points will receive at least an “A-”, although that minimum score may be dropped a few points if the exams turn out to be more difficult than anticipated. Similarly, the minimum scores will be no higher than 75% for a “B-”, 60% for a “C-” and 50% for a “D”. Use of calculators will not be allowed during the exams. Your lab instructor will tell you how the lab grade is determined; you can expect it to include quizzes. The midterm dates and topics will be announced well in advance. The Final will be comprehensive, and will be Wednesday, December 14, from 12 noon to 2 pm. All exams will be closed book, closed notes,
no calculators.
Homework: Written homework will collected as scheduled on the class webpage, usually
on Tuesday in the lecture room. There will be relatively few problems assigned, and they generally will not have answers in the book. Students are expected to do an appropriate amount of “drill and practice” on their own in order to become proficient with the concepts and techniques introduced in class. The odd numbered problems generally have answers in the back of the book. If you are unable to understand how the book got its answer, it is your responsibility to find out: see the instructor or TA in his/her office or work with your fellow students.
For the homework to be turned in, it is acceptable to work together, but each person should independently write up his/her own work.
In addition, online homework will be available for extra practice and extra credit at WeBWorK, starting at the end of the first week. WeBWorK problems will be worth one point each and can be repeated indefinitely until graded as correct. If your WeBWorK score is y percent, then y/4 will be added as extra credit to your point total out of the 500 possible points for the semester. This means that 25 extra credit points are possible.