Department of MathematicsUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa
2565 McCarthy Mall (Keller Hall 401A)
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Phone numbers
(808) 956-4679, fax 956-9139
Room | Inquiries |
Keller Hall 419 | Undergraduate |
Keller Hall 401A | Department Chair, Graduate, Fiscal |
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and State and Federal holidays observed by the University of Hawaii, or unless otherwise announced.
For questions about the UH Manoa MATH Assessment Exam or UH Manoa MATH courses being offered in an upcoming term (Spring or Summer 2022, for example)
To schedule an advising appointment with a MATH Advisor (held on Zoom online platform, until further notice)
For web site issues, monitored by Professor and Webmaster Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen.