Some notes on Girard’s “Linear logic: its syntax and semantics”.
Let $M$ be the set of multisets of literals in the variables $p,q$, with the twist that $q$ is “reusable” so that
$(q,n)$ for any positive number $n$ is just $q$.
For example $\{(p,5),(\overline p,3),q\}\in M$.
Equip $M$ with a commutative monoid operation, namely “multiset sum” with the relation $q+q=q$. Thus $\emptyset$ is a neutral element, $s+\emptyset=s$, but the idempotents $s$ (satisfying $s+s=s$) include
$\emptyset$, $\{q\}$, $\{\overline q\}$, $\{q, \overline q\}$.
For example
$$\{(p,5),(\overline p,3),q\} + \{(p,1),q\} = \{(p,6),(\overline p,3),q\}$$
Let $\bot\subseteq M$ be the set of valid sequents, for example $\{(p,1),(\overline p,2),q\} \in \bot$ and $\{q,\overline q\}\in\bot$.
Let $X \multimap Y = \{ m \mid \forall n \in X, m + n \in Y\}$.
Let $X^\perp = X \multimap \bot$ which is therefore the set of all sequents $m$ such that for all sequents $n$ in $X$,
$m + n$ is valid. So for example $\{\overline p\} \in \{p\}^\perp$.
We further define:
$$X\otimes Y=\{m + n\mid m\in X, n\in Y\}$$
$$X\text{ ⅋ }Y = (X^\perp\otimes Y^\perp)^\perp$$
$$X\oplus Y = (X \cup Y)^{\perp\perp}$$
$$X \text{ & } Y = X \cap Y$$
(If $X=\{\{p\},\{q\}\}$ and $Y=\{\{q\},\{r\}\}$ then this is $\{\{q\}\}$, which means $X\text{ & }Y$ represents the ability to choose among $X$ or $Y$)
$0 = \emptyset^{\perp\perp}$. Note that $\emptyset^\perp=M$ and $M^\perp = \bot$ so $0 = \bot$, it seems.
$\top = M$
$1=\{\emptyset\}^{\perp\perp}$. Note that $\{\emptyset\}^\perp = (\{\emptyset\}\multimap \bot) = \bot$.
(The sequents such that for all sequents in $\{\emptyset\}$, the union is valid… are just the valid sequents.)
And then $1=\bot^\perp = (\bot\multimap\bot)$ consists of all sequents $m$ such that for all valid sequents $n$,
$m + n$ is valid… in other words, all sequents.
$I$ is the set of idempotents, i.e., multisets $s$ with $s + s = s$.
$$!X = (X\cap I)^{\perp\perp}$$
$$?X = (X^\perp\cap I)^\perp$$
For example, if $X=\{\{(p,3),q\}\}$ then $s\in X^\perp$ iff $s$ is a superset of one of the following: $\{\overline q\}$, $\{(\overline p,1)\}$.
And $X^\perp \cap I = \{\{\overline q\},\{\overline q, q\}\}$.
Finally, $?X$ is then anything that contains $\{(p,1),(\overline p,1)\}$ (“contains” in the sense of dominating the numbers occurring) or $\{q\}$.
On the other hand, if $X=\{\{(p,3)\},\{q\}\}$ then $s\in X^\perp$ iff
$s$ is a superset of *both* of $\{\overline q\}$, $\{(\overline p,1)\}$.
Throughout these considerations we kind of notice that for $X\subseteq M$, we may assume $X$ is closed upwards.
In a monoid we always have $X\subseteq X^{\perp\perp}$ but not necessarily conversely.
So this is a kind of algebraic closure with respect to a particular set $\bot$. For example, if $M=\mathbb Z$ and $\bot=\mathbb N$ then $\{-2,3\}^{\perp\perp}=[-2,\infty)$.
So we see that with a perhaps naïve interpretation of Girard’s writing, $\top = 1 = M$, $\bot = 0$, and so there is not complete generality.
A nontrivial example of a commutative monoid with some, but not all, nonzero elements being idempotent, is $\{0,1,2\}^2$ where $2=\infty$, under addition.
Thus $2+x=2$ for all $x$. We then take $\bot=\{(2,0),(2,1),(2,2),(0,2),(1,2)\}$. A 2 in the first coordinate corresponds to $p\vee\neg p$ and a 2 in the second coordinate to $q\vee \neg q$, as two different ways of reaching a tautology. There are four idempotents, $(0,0), (0,2), (2,0), (2,2)$. There are nine elements $(0,0),(0,1),\dots,(2,2)$ and $2^9=512$ possible sets $X$. Sets of the form $X^{\perp\perp}$ are upward closed and hence there are only $9+ 9 + 1$ of them. We can consider each of the connectives above for these 19 sets.
The total number of connectives possible is then $19^{19\times 19}$.