with my recent PhDs Birns (2023, left) and Webb (2022, right).
Webb is now an Assistant Professor at Chaminade University, and Birns is a data scientist at Pacific Life in California.
Last summer I visited the Philosophy for Children (#p4c) program here in Hawaii. Check out the puzzle: find the one and only 18-hour virtual road trip from S0 to S6.
Report on my visit
During Spring 2023 I taught Math 100 with 191 students enrolled.
New material added included 7 worksheets on Hawaiian language and protein folding in the hydrophobic-polar protein folding model.
Play LabbyFold today!
Lei Liu completed her Master’s degree with the project title Complexity of Options in 2017.
An extension to monotone options (pictured) was presented at ALH-2018. The new paper is called The number of languages with maximum state complexity and has been accepted for TAMC 2019.
As of 2022, the paper has been through 7 revisions and has been accepted for publication in the journal Algebra Universalis.
After Jake Fennick’s MA project in the proof assistant Isabelle in 2019, I have advised two Master’s students whose project focused on another popular proof assistant, Lean:
Hugh Chou, 2021: Formalizing my paper on a conflict in the Carmo and Jones approach to contrary-to-duty deontic obligations.
Ryan T. Sasaki, 2022: Formalizing a time-invariance theorem for Redington immunization in financial mathematics.
I gave a talk in the online seminar “Computability Theory and Applications” on November 17, 2020, on
Normalized Information Distance and Jaccard distance.
The paper, with Niraula and Yoon, was published in Logical Foundations of Computer Science 2022.
Professor of Mathematics, University of Hawaii at Manoa