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MATH 654 Fall 2022

Watch this space for updates on logic courses.

The undergraduate course MATH 454 (Axiomatic Set Theory) was taught in Fall 2021. Textbook: Schimmerling’s “A course on set theory”

A similar course at the graduate level was MATH 654 Fall 2020, which had the following readings:

  • Foundations of Mathematics, Kenneth Kunen, parts of chapters I-IV.
  • Modal logic for open minds, Johan van Benthem, some of chapters 1-11 and 16.
  • Logic and Proof, Lean tutorial, and The Natural Number Game

Math 654 in Fall 2022 will use the textbook by Ebbinghaus, Flum, and Thomas and some readings about Lean.


MATH 657 Spring 2020

Course title: “Recursive functions and complexity”

Textbook title: “A second course in formal languages and automata theory” by J. Shallit

Despite the intimidating titles this is just a graduate introduction to automata, computability, and complexity.
Possible additional topics: Automatic complexity and Python programming.