Office map

The current occupant of PSB 319 is David A. Ross.

Instructions: Hover over a room with the mouse to see current occupant. Click to go to their page.

Physical Science Building 3rd Floor

Office map
The occupant of PSB 301 is: Sarah Widiasih Post The occupant of PSB 302 is: No occupant found. The occupant of PSB 303 is: Elizabeth Gross The occupant of PSB 304 is: Max Hill Bacharach The occupant of PSB 305 is: Hailun Zheng The occupant of PSB 306 is: Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen The occupant of PSB 308A is: Yash Lodha The occupant of PSB 308B is: Asaf Hadari The occupant of PSB 308 is: Christopher Allday The occupant of PSB 321 is: Malik Younsi The occupant of PSB 320 is: Daniel Erman The occupant of PSB 319 is: David A. Ross The occupant of PSB 318 is: Troy Ludwick
View the entire office map of the department

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa