
People » George Csordas » Courses

George Csordas

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Office PSB 315
Office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00—6:00 ; W 3:00—4:00 and by appointment.
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George Csordas - Courses

Spring 2014
Gen Ed /
CRN Course Title cr seats
days Time Rm Dates
WI 81526 Math 432 001 Principles of Analysis II 3 G Csordas 11 TR 1200-0115p Kell 413 01/13-05/16
  84509 Math 649F 001 Tpcs: Function Theory 3 G Csordas 6 TR 0400-0515p Kell 402 01/13-05/16
Fall 2013
Gen Ed /
CRN Course Title cr seats
days Time Rm Dates
FS,NI 80171 Math 241 012 Calculus I 4 G Csordas 3 MWF 0230-0320p Kell 404 08/26-12/20
WI 71934 Math 431 001 Advanced Calculus 3 G Csordas 7 TR 0300-0415p Kell 413 08/26-12/20
  77642 Math 649F 001 Tpcs: Function Theory 3 G Csordas 5 TR 0445-0545p Kell 403 08/26-12/20
Spring 2013
Gen Ed /
CRN Course Title cr seats
days Time Rm Dates
NI 88677 Math 253A 001 Accelerated Calculus III
Restriction: Honors Program Approval
4 G Csordas 25 TR 1200-0115p Kell 403 01/07-05/10
  88682 Math 645 001 Analytic Function Theory 3 G Csordas 13 TR 0300-0415p Kell 414 01/07-05/10
  85363 Math 649F 001 Tpcs: Function Theory 3 G Csordas 8 TBA TBA TBA TBA 01/07-05/10
Fall 2012
Gen Ed /
CRN Course Title cr seats
days Time Rm Dates
NI 78970 Math 252A 001 Accelerated Calculus II
Restriction: Honors Program Approval
4 G Csordas 15 TR 1200-0115p Kell 403 08/20-12/14
  78976 Math 644 001 Analytic Function Theory 3 G Csordas 6 TR 0300-0415p Kell 413 08/20-12/14
  78978 Math 649F 001 Tpcs: Function Theory 3 G Csordas 8 W 0400-0600p Kell 404 08/20-12/14
Spring 2012
Gen Ed /
CRN Course Title cr seats
days Time Rm Dates
FS,NI 87635 Math 241 007 Calculus I 4 G Csordas 5 TR 1200-0115p Kell 302 01/09-05/11
FS,NI 87712 Math 241 008 Calculus I 4 G Csordas 7 TR 1200-0115p Kell 302 01/09-05/11
OC 81829 Math 480 001 Senior Seminar 2 G Csordas 12 TR 0130-0245p Kell 402 01/09-05/11
  85912 Math 649F 001 Tpcs: Function Theory 3 G Csordas 7 TR 0300-0400p Kell 404 01/09-05/11

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa