
Postdoc program update

Thanks largely to department chair Erik Guentner’s efforts, we have a departmental postdoc program that started in Fall 2013.

Officially our postdocs are called Temporary Assistant Professors, and serve a two or three year term.

They teach two classes per semester, serve on one committee a year, and collaborate with faculty members on mathematics research.

The current cohort is (left to right):

Yohsuke Watanabe (PhD Utah)
Mushfeq Khan (PhD Wisconsin)
Sita Benedict (PhD Jyväskylä)
Achilles Beros (PhD Wisconsin)
Robin Deeley (PhD Victoria, BC)
Allan Yashinski (PhD Penn State)

Publications resulting from the program* include:

  • Achilles Beros, Mushfeq Khan, and Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen: Effective bi-immunity and randomness, Computability and Complexity Symposium 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2016.
  • Achilles Beros, Ziyuan Gao and Sandra Zilles: Classifying the Arithmetical Complexity of Teaching Models, ALT 2016 (Algorithmic Learning Theory)
  • Achilles Beros and Colin de la Higuera: A canonical semi-deterministic transducer. Accepted for publication in Fundamenta Informaticae.
  • Katie Brodhead, Mushfeq Khan, Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, William A. Lampe, Paul Kim Long V. Nguyen, and Richard Shore: The strength of the Grätzer-Schmidt theorem, Archive for Mathematical Logic, to appear (2016).
  • R. J. Deeley and M. Goffeng, Realizing the analytic surgery group of Higson and Roe geometrically, Part I: The geometric model, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, to appear (2016).
  • Allan Yashinski, The Gauss-Manin connection for the cylic homology of smooth deformations, and noncommutative tori, accepted by the Journal of Noncommutative Geometry in August 2015.
  • Dynamical correspondences for Smale spaces (Robin Deeley, joint with D. B. Killough, and M. F. Whittaker) New York Journal of Mathematics Volume 22 (2016) 943-988.
  • Nuclear dimension and classification of C*-algebras associated to Smale spaces (19 pages), Robin Deeley joint with Karen Strung (accepted Transactions of the AMS).

*accepted or published by the end of 2016; and submitted, or project started, while at least one author was a TAP in our department.