math 472 Spring 2018

Section 1:MWF 11:30am-12:20pm
Keller 404
Office Hours: M 1:30pm-2:30pm
T 10:30-11:30am
TR 12:30-1:30pm
F 10:30am-11:30am
and by appointment


  • Probability and Statistics, Fourth Edition, Addison Wesley (2012)
Extra Resources
  • Hw1 (with solutions) (assigned on Friday February 2nd, due on Friday February 16th).
  • Hw2 (with solutions) (assigned on Friday March 2nd, due on Monday March 19th).
  • Hw3 (with solutions) (awith solutionssigned on Friday April 16th, due on day April 30th) Instructions: Print out the homework, write down the solutions on it and staple it before you turn it in. Make sure that your solutions are correct, nicely written and well explained. Show you work, write each step of your reasonings.
Suggested Problems:
  • Chapter 7: 1, 3, 5, 7 p 384, 3, 4, 5, 6 p 393/394, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 17, 19 p 405-407, 5, 9, 10, 13 p 416/417, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 p425/426, 2 p 441.
  • Chapter 8: 3, 5, 7 p 468/469, 1, 11 p 472/473, 7, 9 p 479, 2 p 484, 1, 4, 5, 11 p 512/513.
  • Chapter 9: 1, 2, 3, 9, 13, 15 548/549, 1, 4, 6, 7, 11 p 558/559, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13 p 585/586, 4, 5, 6, 9 p 596.
  • Monday May 7th 12:00pm-2:00pm
  • Program: The final exam will be all encompassing. Review sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.7, 9.1, 9.2, 9.5, 9.6. Open notes, open book.
    DateSection CoveredProblems SolvedReading assignments
    8 January Review continuous random variables, expected value, variancesections 4.2 (p 217-224), properties of variance (p 228-234)
    10 January Review of Moments, generating functions, important continuous distributions, independence, covariance properties of m.g.f (p 237-239)
    12 January Review Cumulative Distribution Functions, convergence in distribution, Central Limit Theoremsections 6.3 (p 360-370)
    17 January Application of CLT, Beginning 7.1: Notion of Statistical Inference, statistical Models, Obs. RV, Hypo. Obs. RV, Parameter Space
    19 January End 7.2: Notion of Statistical Inference, statistical Models, general classes of inference, Observational vs. Experimental studies
    22 January Beginning 7.2: prior distributions, posterior distributionsParameters as RV (p 382-384)
    24 January 7.2: prior distributions, posterior distributions7 p 394
    26 January End 7.2: likelihood functions, sequential observations8 p 394Example 7.2.8, summary p. 392/393
    29 January Beginning 7.3: Conjugate prior distributions2 p 405
    31 January 7.3: Conjugate prior distributions15 p 406
    2 February 7.3: Conjugate prior distribution, improper priors. Beginning 7.4: Estimators, estimates21 p 406
    5 February 7.4: Loss functions, Expected Loss, Bayesian estimators/estimates, Squared Error Loss Function
    7 February 7.4: Bayesian estimators/estimates, Squared Error Loss Function3 p 416
    9 February 7.4: Consistency of Bayesian estimators1 p 416, 7 p 416
    12 February 7.5: Maximum Likelihood Estimators MLE)
    14 February 7.5: MLE5, 11 p 427
    16 February 7.6: Invariance of M.L.E 3 p 441Limitations of M.L.E p422-425
    21 February 7.6: M.L.E of an arbitrary function, Invariance 5 p 441
    26 February 8.1: Sampling distribution of a statistics
    28 February 8.1: Sampling distribution of a statistics 1, 9 p 468
    2 March 8.2: Chi-square Distribution 7 p 472
    5 March 8.2: Chi-square Distribution 2, 9 p 472
    7 March 8.3: Joint distribution of Sample Mean and Sample Variance Proof Thm. 8.3.1 p 476--478
    9 March 8.4: t-distributions 1, 5 p 479, 3 p 484
    12 March 8.7: Unbiased estimators, Bias, Mean Square Error
    14 March 8.t: Unibiased estimator of the variance 2, 3 p 512
    16 March 8.7: Consistency of unbiased estimators 6, 7 p 513 Limitations of unbiased estimators p 511/512
    19 March 8.5: Confidence intervals
    21 March 8.5: Confidence intervals 5 p 494
    2 April 9.1: Hypotheses testing, null and alternative hypotheses, simple and composite hypotheses, critical region
    4 April9.1: Test statistic, rejection region, power function 5 p 548
    6 April9.1: Type I/II error, significance level, size of a test
    9 April9.1: Type I/II error, significance level, size of a test 6 p 548
    11 April9.1: Make a test have a specific significance level, p-values 8 p 548 Examples 9.1.8, 9.1.9
    13 April9.1: p-values, Confidence sets 10, 18 p 548/549 p 540--543
    16 April9.2: Simple Hypotheses testing 3 p 558
    18 April9.2: Nayman-Pearson Lemma 5 p 558
    20 April9.2: Nayman-Pearson Lemma 9 p 558
    23 April9.5: t-test
    25 April9.5: t-test 3 p585
    27 April9.5: t-test, p-values, non-central t-distributions 11 p 586 Example 9.5.5 p 579
    29 April9.5: t-test, testing two-sided alternatives 15 p 587 Proof Thm 9.5.2 p 578
    2 Mai9.6: Comparing means of two normal distributions 3 p 596