

Journal papers

  1. M. Chyba, G. Patterson and G. Picot, Time-minimum control of the restricted elliptic three-body problem applied to space transfer, In Special Issue “Recent Advances in Celestial and Space Mechanics”, Springer International Publishing, 179-208 (2016).
  2. M. Chyba, J.-M Coron, P. Gabriel, A. Jacquemard, G. Patterson, G. Picot and P. Shang, Optimal Geometric Control Applied to the Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplication Process, Acta Appl. Math., 135 (2015), 145-173. pdf
  3. M. Chyba, M. Granvick, R. Jedicke, G. Patterson G. Picot and J. Vaubaillon, Designing Rendezvous Missions with Mini-Moons using Geometric Optimal Control, J. Ind. Manag. Optim. 10, (2014), no 2, 477-501. pdf
  4. M. Chyba, M. Granvick, R. Jedicke, G. Patterson G. Picot and J. Vaubaillon, Time-minimal orbital transfers to temporarily-captured natural Earth satellites, Techniques and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 86 (2014), 213-235. pdf
  5. G. Picot, Shooting and numerical continuation method for computing time-minimal and energy-minimal trajectories in the Earth-Moon system using low-propulsion , Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 17 (2012), 245-269. pdf
  6. B. Bonnard, J.B. Caillau and G. Picot, Geometric and numerical techniques in optimal control of the two and three body problems, Commun. Inf. Syst.,4 (2010), 239-278. pdf

Contribution chapter

  1. B. Bolin, M. Chyba, M. Granvick, R. Jedicke, G. Patterson and G. Picot, Earth's Temporarily-Captured Natural Satellites-The First Step on the Ladder to Asteroid Resources, Asteroids. Prospective Energy and Material Resources, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New-York, (2013).

Conference proceedings

  1. G. Picot, Energy-minimal transfers in the vicinity of the Lagrangian point L1, AIMS proceedings, Proceedings of the 8th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Dresden, 2010, Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. Suppl. (2011), 1196-1205. pdf
  2. G. Picot, O.Adam, M. Bergounioux, H.Glotin and F-X. Mayer, Automatic prosodic clustering of humpback whales songs, Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/PASSIVE.2008.4786974, (2008). pdf

