Category Archives: Conferences

AMS Western Sectional Meeting # 1078

AMS Program

Krauss Hall room 12 is behind the sign

Equipment for speakers

The equipment available for speakers at this meeting is a computer, a computer projector, and either blackboards or whiteboards. There are no traditional overhead projectors that use acetate sheets.

Speakers using computer projection can use their own laptops, but, for smoother transitions between talks, our hosts recommend using the provided computer or connecting one laptop to the projector (yours or one volunteered from within your speaker set) and have speakers bring their talks on thumb drives. The projector comes with a standard VGA cable; anyone using a mac must bring the appropriate adaptor.

Interactive Map

View AMS Meeting March 3-4 2012 in a larger map

This is projected to be the largest meeting of the Western Section of the AMS ever, with over 500 participants.

There will be 4 plenary lecturers and 25 special sessions. The special sessions are distributed as follows:

  1. 10 in the Business School,
  2. 7 in Kuykendall,
  3. 4 in Webster,
  4. 2 in POST,
  5. 1 in Keller Hall,
  6. 1 in Miller Hall.

The specific sessions can be located on the map by clicking on a colored marker. The walk between Business (where many Analysis sessions are held) and Kuykendall (where many Algebra sessions are held) is about 0.3 miles, and is indicated on the map.

Lunch Options

The Campus facilities are closed during weekends, however a lunch wagon serving Indian dishes agreed to open from 11 am to 2 pm. The "India Cafe" outlet is operating at Varsity Circle that is centrally located on the Manoa Campus. This will be by far the most convenient place to have lunch during the meeting and they are prepared to offer up to 200 meals.

Menu for the two days:

South Indian Chicken Curry - Juicy chicken stir-fried with onions, garlic, ginger, curry leaves, anise star, cardamom, cinnamon sticks and cloves then slow cooked in a medium spiced red curry sauce.
Chicken Tikka Masala - Boneless chicken marinated in yogurt, lemon juice and herbs then slow cooked in a sweet tomato and cream curry sauce.
Spicy Seafood Curry
Vegetarian Plate - Curried Mix Vegetables and Chana masala (chick peas) served with rice.
Roti Paratha Bread, Drinks available

There are two other possibilities involving some walking.

There are several restaurants at the intersection of University Avenue, Beretania and King Street. It will take 15 to 20 minutes to walk there.

A little further away, but with a larger offering is the Manoa Market Place. There is a shortcut through the mountain side of the Campus that will take you to the Manoa Market Place in 20 to 25 minutes. There are Korean, Japanese, Italian restaurants and fast food outlets of various persuasions.

While buses run to these places from the UH, it would be hopeless during the weekend when buses are on special reduced schedules.

A much longer trip is required to the Ala Moana Shopping Center that contains a large food court and numerous other restaurants. There is a bus connection (#6) but this would be very time consuming. Taking a cab might be reasonable for a group that wishes to lunch together.

Please see our Travel page for information about parking, getting to campus from your hotel, and beaches.

Invited Addresses

Wherein we mention some talks and organization of meetings by members of the faculty.


George Csordas: Plenary speaker: The International Paul Turán Memorial Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 22–26, 2011.
Title: Turán-type inequalities and the distribution of zeros of entire functions

George Csordas: Co-organizer of the NSF supported American Institute of Mathematics Workshop (Palo Alto, December 5–9, 2011). Title: Stability, hyperbolicity, and zero localization of functions


George Csordas: Plenary speaker: 18th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, August 13-17, 2010, Macao.
Title: Non-linear and linear operators and the zeros of entire functions


  • George Csordas: Co-Organized special session on
    Zeros and
    Gamma Lines
    for the 7th ISAAC Conference in London, England.
  • Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen: Marseilles, France; Heidelberg, Germany



  • George Csordas: Co-organizer of the American Institute of Mathematics
    (AIM) Workshop on

    Polya-Schur-Lax Problems: hyperbolicity and stability preservers
    Palo Alto, California and keynote speaker at the AIM Workshop.
    Main invited speaker at the
    International Workshop on Value Distribution Theory and Its Applications,
    Shandong University (Weihai), China. Invited lecture at the International
    Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and
    Applications, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan.
  • Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen: Wroclaw, Poland; Shanghai, China;
    Wellington, New Zealand


  • Ralph Freese: Budapest, Hungary
  • Leslie Wilson: Marseilles, France


  • Tom Craven: University of Ljubljana
  • George Csordas: ISAAC Congress, Catania, Sicily; CMFT Joensuu, Finland
  • Ralph Freese: CUAL Szeged, Hungary
  • Wayne Smith: Korea University, Seoul; Oberwolfach, Germany
  • George Wilkens: AMS, Lincoln, Nebraska


  • Ed Bertram: Ischia, Italy
  • Ralph Freese: ICFCA, Sydney, Australia
  • Erik Guentner: CIRM, Luminy, France; AMS meeting, Athens, OH;
    Fudan University, Shanghai, China;
    Vanderbilt University; Dartmouth College
  • David Ross:
    AMS meeting, Phoenix, AZ;
    International Conference M.ARI.AN., Pisa, Italy;
    Aveiro, Portugal
  • Wayne Smith: Dublin, Ireland
  • Leslie Wilson: AMS meeting, Boston; Real Algebraic; Geometry meeting,
    Kazimirz, Poland; Mount Holyoke College


  • Chris Allday: Oberwolfach, Germany
  • Monique Chyba: ENSEEIHT seminar, France
  • George Csordas: Hong Kong Univ.; Limoges, France (BDD); Clermont,
    France; Seville, Spain, (RSME–AMS); Toronto, Canada (ISAAC)
  • Karl Dovermann: University of Michigan
  • George Wilkens: AMS meeting, Boulder, CO
  • Leslie Wilson: Marseilles, France; Sapporo, Japan