Courses » Algebra and number theory
Courses in Algebra and number theory
649 (Alpha) Topics in Math
649J Tpcs: Alg
649M Tpcs: Latt Univ Alg
649O Tpcs: Transformation group
649R Tpcs: Algic topology
649T Tpcs: Num Thy & Comb
661 Intro algebraic number the
681 Graph Thy
699 Directed Reading & Researc
700 Thesis Research
799 Apprenticeship in Teaching
800 Dissertation Research
HIL-311 Intro Linear Alg
WOA-301 Intro Discrete Math
WOA-321 Intro Adv Math
WOA-361 Applied Probability Thy
WOA-405 ODE & Stability Thy
WOA-409 Methods in Applied Math
WOA-417 Linear Alg: Thy & Appl
WOA-480 Senior Sem
New or newly revamped regular offerings
Offered in 2012 or later
Not offered in 2012 nor later
Topics course (may or may not carry teaching credits for faculty) Scheduled individually
Topics course (may or may not carry teaching credits for faculty) Scheduled individually