Speaker: Rostislav Grigorchuk, Distinguished prof. of Mathematics at Texas A&M.
Title: Fractal, liftable and scale groups.
Abstract: Scale groups are closed subgroups of the group of isometries of a regular tree that fix an end of the tree and are vertex-transitive. They play an important role in the study of locally compact totally disconnected groups as was recently observed by P-E.Caprace and G.Willis. In the past they were studied in the context of abstract harmonic analysis, random walks and amenability. It is a miracle that they are closely related to fractal groups, a special subclass of self-similar groups.
In my talk I will discuss two ways of building scale groups. One is based on the use of scale-invariant groups studied by V.Nekrashevych and G.Pete, and a second is based on the use of liftable fractal groups. The examples based on both approaches will be demonstrated using such groups as Lamplighter, Basilica, Hanoi Tower Group, Group of Intermediate Growth (between polynomial and exponential) constructed by the speaker in 1980, and GGS-groups. Additionally, the group of isometries of the ring of integer p-adics and group of dilations of the field of p-adics will be mentioned in the relation with the discussed topics.