Lynette Agcaoili MA presentation

April 30, 2024 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Lynette Agcaoili’s MA presentation is scheduled for April 30, 2024.  Everyone is welcome and graduate students are especially encouraged to attend.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Keller 404

Title:  An Introduction to Inverse Limits

Abstract:  The goal of this presentation is to give an introduction to inverse limits in a way that is (hopefully) accessible to advanced undergraduates/incoming graduate students. We will, of course, define what inverse limits are, and then construct injective resolutions for both abelian groups and inverse systems. We will then talk about flasque resolutions and some properties of flasque to construct a short exact sequence of inverse systems. Finally we will give explicit constructions of the inverse limit of a system and its first derived functor (i.e. varprojlim_{leftarrow}^(1) A_i), and show that if our indexing set is the natural numbers, then the second derived functor and higher are all 0 (i.e. varprojlim_{leftarrow}^(n) A_i = 0 for any n>1).