
October 25, 2017: MATH Undergraduate Group Advising for Spring 2018 Registration

MATH Undergraduate Group Advising

WHEN:  October 25, 2017 from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

WHERE:  Keller Hall Room 302

Undergraduate Majors with HOLDS on their registrations are strongly urged to attend this event. Those who have filed GoldenRod paperwork are also encouraged to attend. Undergraduate MATH Majors: RSVP via the Google Form that was emailed to your email.

See the SPRING2018_UndergradMATHAdvisingFlyer for list of Guest Speakers.

Please print out  Spring2018 Major Advising Sheet_createdOct132017 and fill in your Last Name, First Name, UH I.D. number, and UH email BEFORE arriving at the Advising Event.