Stochastic calculus

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Welcome to the course page for Finance 651, Fall 2012, Fridays 12-2:45pm, Shidler College of Business, UH Manoa.
This course was required for a Master’s degree in Financial Engineering.


Shreve, “Stochastic calculus for finance I: The binomial asset pricing model”, and “II: Continuous time models”.
Recommended: Neftci, “An introduction to the mathematics of financial derivatives” and Hull, “Options, futures, and other derivatives”.

Grading scheme

Midterm 30%
Homework 20%
Final exam or alternatively presentation: 50%.

There are 8 homework sets which count 2% of the course each (the two best count twice). They each consist of 3-4 problems of which only some will be graded.

Class #1, Aug. 24

12-12:40 Lecture 1 (Math refresher, chapters 1-2: number theory and algebra)
12:45-1:25 Problem session 1
1:30-2:10 Lecture 2 (Math refresher, chapter 3: calculus (we skip chapter 4: statistics)
2:15-2:45 Problem session 2

Class #2, Aug. 31

Lecture 1: 2.1 and 2.2: Sample spaces, probability experiments, outcomes and events, random variables, probability distribution of a RV, expectation of a RV.
Lecture 2: 1.1 (binomial pricing model): pricing a derivative (in the case where the interest is 0).
Session 3: Interactive “examples game”
Session 4: Discussion of a student’s example of a derivative asset in a 3-element sample space.

Class #3, Sep. 7

Lecture 1: 1.2: Calculation of the no-arbitrage price of a derivative asset by replicating using a stock and the money market.
Session 2: Continuation.

Lecture 2: 2.3 (conditional expectation $\mathbb E_n S_{N}$), 2.4 (martingales $E_n S_{n+1} = S_n$), 2.5 (Markov processes $E_n f(X_{N}) = g(X_n)$). See also post about discrete Ito’s lemma.

Session 4: Calculated the price of the derivative $V_n=(S_n-5)^+$ for $n=1$, $n=2$, $n=3$, and obtained 1.2, 1.76, 2.304.

Class #4, Sep. 14

3.1 (change of measure), 3.2 (Radon-Nikodym), 4 (American derivatives).
The Radon-Nikodym derivative of $\tilde{\mathbb{P}}$ w.r.t. $\mathbb P$ is
Z(\omega)=\frac{\tilde{\mathbb P}(\omega)}{\mathbb P(\omega)}
The state price of $\omega$ is
\frac{\tilde{\mathbb P}(\omega)}{(1+r)^N}
since this is the discounted risk-neutral expected value of $1_{\omega}$. See also post on State prices and post on American derivatives.
These things will be revisited in II-5.4 if we get that far. We skip 3.3 (utility functions).

Class #5, Sep. 21

5.2, 5.3 (Random walk), 5.4 (perpetual put).
Went over perpetual put, random walk, principle of reflection. Got as far as the recursive formula for the Catalan numbers and the distribution of $\tau_1$; Class #6 is to start with the simplified formula for the distribution of $\tau_2$.

Class #6, Sep. 28

6.2, 6.3; did not get to 6.4, 6.5 (futures and marking to market) (Interest rates)

Class #7, Oct. 5

Volume II
Chapter II-1 (probability and measure theory)

Class #8, Oct. 12

Chapter II-2 ($\sigma$-algebras)

Class #9, Oct. 19

Chapter II-3 (Brownian motion) 3.1-3.5

Class #10, Oct. 26

Chapter II-4, 4.1-4.6 (Ito integral, Ito-Doeblin formula; and HW about forward measures and about the Reflection Principle)

November 2

All Vol. I homework returned; ready to study for the Midterm!
Chapter II-4 (Black-Scholes PDE and formula)

November 9

Midterm covering Volume I.

651 Fall 2012 Midterm

November 16

651 Fall 2012 Midterm Solutions
Showed upper and lower probabilities for a trinomial asset pricing problem.
Derived the Black-Scholes-Merton formula for option prices.
Verified a solution as in problem II-3.5, and then went over the numerical example from my post on doing Black-Scholes by hand.
Partly derived the solution to the Vasicek SDE.

November 30

More Black-Scholes and review.

December 7

Early Final exam covering Volume II, Chapters 1-4
The final exam will focus on sections:
3.2 Scaled random walks [which in the limit become Brownian motion]
3.3 Brownian motion [which is a basis for modeling continuous-time trading]
3.4 Quadratic variation [which explains what exactly is meant by $(dW)^2=dt$ and $dWdt=0$]
4.2 Ito integral for simple integrands [which explains what is meant by $\Delta_t dW_t$]
4.3 Ito integral for general integrands
4.4 Ito-Doeblin formula [which calculates $df(t,W_t)$ and allows for solving SDEs]
4.5 Black-Scholes-Merton equation [which must be satisfied by the price process of a derivative]

December 14

Final exam covering Volume II, Chapters 1-4
651 Fall 2012 Final Solutions

Volume I homework problems

HW1: Ch. 1 #1,4,6 due Sep. 28

HW2: Ch. 2 #1,2,8 due Oct. 5

HW3: Ch. 3 #1,2,3 due Oct. 12
Ch. 4 #1 due Oct. 12

HW4: Ch. 4 #3,4 due Oct. 26
Ch. 5 #1,5 due Oct. 26

HW5: Ch. 5 #6, Ch. 6 #1,3,5 due Oct. 26

Vol. II homework problems

HW6: Ch. 1 #2,6,7 and Ch. 2 #5: due Nov. 2
HW7: Ch. 2 #7, 8 and Ch. 3 #2, 5: due Nov. 16
HW8: Ch. 3 #6 (GBM and BM with drift) and Ch. 4 # 4 (Stratonovich), 5 (GBM), 8 (Vasicek) due Nov. 30