The UH Manoa actuarial curriculum is recognized by a national body:
University of Hawaii at Manoa is listed at Universities and Colleges with Actuarial Programs (UCAP) in the Introductory Curriculum classification, including courses for Exam FM and P as well as VEE (Validation by Educational Experience). Here is a link to our profile:—manoa/
University of Hawaii at Manoa also appears on the SOA Explorer map.
This recognition was made possible primarily by a new course is coming your way in Fall 2023:
Math 370: Financial Mathematics.
Among other things, the course will prepare students for the actuarial examination in Financial Mathematics (Exam FM).
We already have courses preparing students for the actuarial examination in Probability (Exam P):
Math 471 and Math 472.
More information about this career path at Actuarial Science @ UH.