Category Archives: Undergrad posts


Putnam exam progress

The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition is the preeminent mathematics competition for undergraduate students in the United States and Canada; it takes place in December each year.

The problems asked in the competition are fun, but a real challenge: solving just one of these problems takes serious work and insight.

This year, seven UH Mānoa managed to solve at least one problem, an excellent achievement that puts them in the top half of over 4000 participants in the US and Canada.

One student, Adam Inamasu, made the top 500 students nationwide: see page 16 of the full results.

Congratulations to all who took part!

Professor Pavel Guerzhoy runs a 1-credit ‘Putnam preparation’ course in the Fall semester for students who are interested in working on fun and challenging math problems. Please contact Professor Guerzhoy or a math advisor if you are interested in taking part.

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Careers for math majors

Some careers for math majors include:


Assess and manage risk for businesses by analyzing their spending. Actuaries also estimate the probability of events and the costs involved. Check out the UH actuarial program.


Collect and analyze data for a company. Statisticians identify trends in data sets and share those patterns with company executives.


Solve problems through numerical analysis. Mathematicians might research new theories, develop mathematical models, or analyze data to solve business problems.


Gather financial and socio-economic data by studying markets. Economists use this data to help businesses make long-term financial and investment plans.

Data scientist

Interpret large amounts of complex data to gain insights for a company’s business operations. Data scientists may use tools, systems, and algorithms to extract information from data. Check out our math major data science track

Data analyst

Extract useful insights from vast sets of quantitative or qualitative information. Data analysts are in demand across all industries.

Math teacher

Plan lessons, teach and tutor students, correct assignments, and advise student groups or coach athletic teams.

Full disclosure: this list was drafted by an AI Assistant