Category Archives: Research

Beautiful Mathematics for Girls

The Math Department has received a $2500 grant from the Diversity and Equity Initiative at the University of Hawaii to help address issues of under-representation of girls and students of native Hawaiian ancestry in science, engineering, and mathematics. See website. Congratulations to Professors Monique Chyba, Mirjana Jovovic, and Michelle Manes.

Prof Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen PI of NSF Grant

The NSF-sponsored project "Computability and Probability" (Fall 2009 – Spring 2012) includes funding for graduate and undergraduate researchers. Undergraduate researchers are paid for about 10 hours of independent work per week during Fall or Spring semesters. Graduate students may work as research assistants (equivalent to a TA-ship but without teaching) for a semester.

To qualify to apply for positions on this project, a good preparation would include some of the following courses (or their equivalents): Math 471 (Probability), Math 472 (Statistical inference), Math 454 (Axiomatic set theory) and Math 455 (Mathematical logic). Math 454-455 is offered as a sequence in Spring 2010 and Fall 2010, so interested students are encouraged to enroll in Math 454 for Spring 2010. See flyer on M454 for Spring 2010. More.

Clay Mathematics Institute 2009 Summer School

Prof. Guerzhoy's web page for participants
June 15 – July 10, 2009
UHM Math. Dept.

Abstract: Many advances on the algebraic side of number theory in the last 15 years (such as the solutions of the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture, Sato-Tate conjecture and Serre’s conjecture, as well as decisive progress on the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture and Main Conjectures for modular forms) have relied in an essential way on improvements in the theory of Galois representations.
The aim of the three main courses is to present an overview of many of these ideas and applications, aimed at advanced graduate students and postdocs with a strong background in number theory, Galois cohomology, and basic algebraic geometry.