Category Archives: Undergrad posts


Boot Camps 2024 & Tutoring

Enlist in one or both of our IN-PERSON Math Boot Camps! The UH Manoa Department of Mathematics will conduct intensive non-credit courses for students who want to review the algebra and trigonometry concepts needed to be successful in MATH 140X and calculus courses. Led by two department Graduate Assistants in each Boot Camp course, students will strengthen their math skills through short lectures, group work, and practice problems.

These courses are designed for students who want to bridge their high school and college math courses with a review, want to revisit math concepts prior to taking the math placement exam, or who have already taken the math placement exam but want to place higher on the exam* by reviewing concepts and taking the placement exam again.

There are two Camps, with both offered at no cost:
Boot Camp for College Algebra, for those who desire an algebra refresher, on August 5-8, 2024 from 10am – 3pm, including a lunch break. Lunch will not be provided, so please bring your own “brown bag” lunch. Room: KELLER HALL 302.
Boot Camp for Trigonometry, for those who seek to brush up on trigonometry, on August 12-15, 2024 from 10 am – 2:30 pm, including a lunch break. Lunch will not be provided, so please bring your own “brown bag” lunch. Room: KELLER HALL 302.

To Register for our Algebra Boot Camp, please complete our Algebra Boot Camp Google Form. To register for our Trigonometry Boot Camp, please complete our Trigonometry Boot Camp Google Form. University of Hawai`i email address is required to complete the Google Form(s). If you would like to register for both Boot Camps, you must complete both of the Google Forms. Registration REQUIRED to attend the Boot Camp(s). Registration Form(s) due Thursday, August 1, 2024 by 12 noon Hawaii Standard Time. We are limited to a maximum of 45 attendees per Boot Camp, so please be aware that the Algebra and Trigonometry Boot Camp 2024 Google Forms may close prior to the application deadline.

* To be allowed another attempt at taking the placement exam, you must attend each day of the Camp(s) in which you are registered.
For information on the concepts covered in the placement exam, please go to the MATH Placement Webpage.

To download a PDF flyer about the 2024 MATH Boot Camps, please click here:

In addition:

Math tutoring is available at the Learning Emporium this summer for students enrolled in UH Manoa’s MATH 134 through MATH 243. More details can be found here:



Careers in Mathematical Sciences

A degree in mathematics opens paths to diverse careers.
Earlier this month, 3 local alumni participated in a panel discussion on their career experiences, applying math to actuarial science, biostatistics, and education. They offered many valuable perspectives and advice for students. Some ideas include:

- Math skills are in demand and can set you apart from the crowd;

- Math courses provide a foundation for reasoning and picking up specific new skills such as in programming;

- Research projects and experiences can be life-changing;

- Be proactive, look out for opportunities and find joy in what you’re doing.

Mahalo to the participating alumni:
Jesse Agustin, Pacific Guardian Life

Kami White, UH Cancer Center

Robert Young, UH College of Education


Math Jam

To register to Math Jam for Spring 2024, follow the link:

The Spring 2024 version of Math Jam will be held on Thursday, May 2nd from 9am to 2pm on the 3rd and 4th floors of Keller. All students from Math 134, 140X, 215, 241, 242 and 252A are invited to this event.

For more information, you may contact

Math Jam is a huge review session where LAs, TAs and instructors come together to help students prepare before finals week. We are looking forward to see you there!

Math 134, Math 140, Math 241, Math 242, Math 251A, Math 252A

Review before your math final

When: May 2 (Thursday), from 9am to 2pm.

Where: Keller Hall (3rd and 4th floor)

Ask your instructor for more information

Donuts, coffee, math? RSVP here.

Map of rooms

UH News report


Group advising


WHEN: Monday, April 7, 2024
TIME: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
WHERE: Keller Hall Room 302
RSVP Required: Check your email for the RSVP Form

Learn about MATH courses offered in Fall 2024, as well as career opportunities, possible internships, the MATH Club, and research fields that majoring in MATH has to offer.


From UH Manoa’s Department of Mathematics unless otherwise indicated.

  • 5:00 Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, Moderator and Associate Chair
  • 5:05 Mirjana Jovovic, Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Fall 2024 Class Availability in Math;
    Tutor/Grader program; Benson Farb’s talks
  • 5:10 Yash Lodha, Assistant Professor: Math 421, Topology
  • 5:15 Ellen Hughes and Jasmine Carpena, undergraduate students and Math Club co-presidents
    Math Club Slides
  • 5:20 Chuang Xu, Assistant Professor: Math 471, Probability. Advising_for_471
  • 5:25 Farzana Nasrin, Assistant Professor: Careers in Mathematics. Careers in Math; Math 407 (Numerical Analysis) syllabus_407_Fall_2024 (1)
  • 5:30 Pavel Guerzhoy, Professor: Math 412, Abstract Algebra; Putnam Exam.
  • 5:35 George Wilkens, Professor: Professor Guentner’s Math 353 class.
  • 5:40 (maybe) Asaf Hadari, Associate Professor & Graduate Chair: Math 442, Vector Analysis
  • 5:45 Pizza, and get your forms signed and discuss courses for Spring with Willett, Kjos-Hanssen, Jovovic, etc.

See also: BAP program, Program sheets

Information about the 2023 event


WHEN: Wednesday, November 1, 2023
TIME: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
WHERE: Keller Hall Room 303
RSVP Required: Check your email for the RSVP Form

Learn about MATH courses offered in Spring 2024, as well as career opportunities, possible internships, the MATH Club, and research fields that majoring in MATH has to offer.


From UH Manoa’s Department of Mathematics unless otherwise indicated. Speaker n will yield the floor to Speaker n+1  by the time indicated in Speaker n+1′s line.

See also: BAP program, Program sheets

Information about the 2022 event

Group advising for Spring 2023 takes place November 2, 2022.
KELLER HALL ROOM 303 from 5 pm

- 6:30 pm

Speakers and events
Time Speaker Title
5:00pm Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen Welcome, and Actuarial science program
5:02pm Mirjana Jovovic Spring 2023 math courses
5:05pm Michael Joyce A Meandering Path Towards a Career in Data Science – One Math Grad’s Journey
5:18pm Yuriy Mileyko Data science track
5:25pm Sean Sanford Pure math and academia
5:38pm Evan Gawlik Computational science track and tutor program
5:45pm Rufus Willett Practical Learning Assistant things
5:50pm Solimar Carrasquillo Ho Student academic success center
6:00pm Break-out Sessions & Pizza

More info about being a Learning Assistant

Organizer: Alicia Maedo