Category Archives: Undergrad posts


Group advising


WHEN: Monday, April 7, 2024
TIME: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
WHERE: Keller Hall Room 302
RSVP Required: Check your email for the RSVP Form

Learn about MATH courses offered in Fall 2024, as well as career opportunities, possible internships, the MATH Club, and research fields that majoring in MATH has to offer.


From UH Manoa’s Department of Mathematics unless otherwise indicated.

  • 5:00 Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, Moderator and Associate Chair
  • 5:05 Mirjana Jovovic, Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Fall 2024 Class Availability in Math;
    Tutor/Grader program; Benson Farb’s talks
  • 5:10 Yash Lodha, Assistant Professor: Math 421, Topology
  • 5:15 Ellen Hughes and Jasmine Carpena, undergraduate students and Math Club co-presidents
    Math Club Slides
  • 5:20 Chuang Xu, Assistant Professor: Math 471, Probability. Advising_for_471
  • 5:25 Farzana Nasrin, Assistant Professor: Careers in Mathematics. Careers in Math; Math 407 (Numerical Analysis) syllabus_407_Fall_2024 (1)
  • 5:30 Pavel Guerzhoy, Professor: Math 412, Abstract Algebra; Putnam Exam.
  • 5:35 George Wilkens, Professor: Professor Guentner’s Math 353 class.
  • 5:40 (maybe) Asaf Hadari, Associate Professor & Graduate Chair: Math 442, Vector Analysis
  • 5:45 Pizza, and get your forms signed and discuss courses for Spring with Willett, Kjos-Hanssen, Jovovic, etc.

See also: BAP program, Program sheets

Information about the 2023 event


WHEN: Wednesday, November 1, 2023
TIME: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
WHERE: Keller Hall Room 303
RSVP Required: Check your email for the RSVP Form

Learn about MATH courses offered in Spring 2024, as well as career opportunities, possible internships, the MATH Club, and research fields that majoring in MATH has to offer.


From UH Manoa’s Department of Mathematics unless otherwise indicated. Speaker n will yield the floor to Speaker n+1  by the time indicated in Speaker n+1′s line.

See also: BAP program, Program sheets

Information about the 2022 event

Group advising for Spring 2023 takes place November 2, 2022.
KELLER HALL ROOM 303 from 5 pm

- 6:30 pm

Speakers and events
Time Speaker Title
5:00pm Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen Welcome, and Actuarial science program
5:02pm Mirjana Jovovic Spring 2023 math courses
5:05pm Michael Joyce A Meandering Path Towards a Career in Data Science – One Math Grad’s Journey
5:18pm Yuriy Mileyko Data science track
5:25pm Sean Sanford Pure math and academia
5:38pm Evan Gawlik Computational science track and tutor program
5:45pm Rufus Willett Practical Learning Assistant things
5:50pm Solimar Carrasquillo Ho Student academic success center
6:00pm Break-out Sessions & Pizza

More info about being a Learning Assistant

Organizer: Alicia Maedo


















Escape response of copepods

Chelsea Nguyen (math major and Honors student) has been pursuing undergraduate research under the guidance of Daisuke Takagi.
Last week she presented a poster at the Ocean Science Meeting, the flagship conference for ocean science that brings together a diverse group of scientists, engineers and mathematicians working on anything ocean related. Above we see her presenting the poster.
Chelsea received UROP funding for this project.
UROP is currently accepting applications for project funding; the deadline is March 3.

Putnam exam progress

The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition is the preeminent mathematics competition for undergraduate students in the United States and Canada; it takes place in December each year.

The problems asked in the competition are fun, but a real challenge: solving just one of these problems takes serious work and insight.

This year, seven UH Mānoa managed to solve at least one problem, an excellent achievement that puts them in the top half of over 4000 participants in the US and Canada.

One student, Adam Inamasu, made the top 500 students nationwide: see page 16 of the full results.

Congratulations to all who took part!

Professor Pavel Guerzhoy runs a 1-credit ‘Putnam preparation’ course in the Fall semester for students who are interested in working on fun and challenging math problems. Please contact Professor Guerzhoy or a math advisor if you are interested in taking part.