Category Archives: Graduate posts

Qualifying exams in topology

The topology qualifying exam covers topics in algebraic topology.
  1. Some point set topological concepts: basic definitions, compactness, separation axiom, connectedness/path-connectedness, retractions, contractibility, quotient topologies.
  2. Homotopy theory: CW complexes, homotopic maps, properties of homotopy in CW complexes, homotopy equivalence, homotopy extension.
  3. Some group theory: free groups, free products, universal properties, presentations of groups.
  4. Brief overview of basic category-theoretic definitions: categories, functors, natural transformations, examples.
  5. The fundamental group: a brief discussion of homotopy groups and their functoriality, long exact sequences of homotopy groups, definition of the fundamental groupoid and the fundamental group, calculation of the fundamental group of a circle, winding numbers, the van Kampen theorem together with examples of fundamental group calculations, K(π, 1) spaces and their properties.
  6. Covering spaces: basic definitions, lifting properties, deck group actions, the Galois correspondence between covers and subgroups of the fundamental group.
  7. Brief overview of (co)homological algebra: (co)chain complexes, (co)chain maps, exact sequences, (co)homology, long exact sequences induced by short exact sequences.
  8. Homology: cellular and singular homology and their equivalence, reduced homology, relative homology, excision, Mayer–Vietoris sequences, the Künneth formula, examples, first homology and the fundamental group, homology with coefficients, definition of cohomology and calculation of examples.
  9. Applications of homology: orientability, degrees of mappings, Lefschetz fixed point theorem, Brouwer fixed point theorem, invariance of domain Borsuk–Ulam theorem.
  10. Structures on cohomology rings: universal coefficients theorem for homology/cohomology, the cup and cap products, calculating cohomology rings, intersection numbers, duality theorems.
The following textbooks are recommended:
  • Bredon, Topology and geometry
  • Hatcher, Algebraic topology
  • Spanier, Algebraic topology
Sample Exams

Qualifying exams in analysis

The following syllabus for the Analysis Qualifying Exam is based on the following references:
  • Rudin’s Real and Complex Analysis 3rd edition
  • Folland’s Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Applications 2nd edition.
Abstract Integration and positive Borel measures
  • Rudin (Chapters 1 and 2), Folland (Chapter 1 and Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.6).
σ-algebras and Borel sets, measurable functions, simple functions, elementary properties of measures, integration of positive functions (including Lebesgue’s Monotone Convergence Theorem and Fatou’s Lemma), integration of complex functions (including Lebesgue’s Dominated Convergence Theorem), sets of measure zero and complete measures, Borel measures and their regularity properties, Lebesgue measure on finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces and linear transformations, continuity properties of measurable functions (including Lusin’s Theorem).  
L^p spaces
  • Rudin (Chapter 3), Folland (Section 6.1).
  Convex functions and Jensen’s inequality, Hölder’s inequality and Minkowski’s inequality, completeness of L^p spaces, approximation by continuous function.  
Modes of Convergence
  • Folland (Section 2.4).
Almost everywhere convergence, convergence in measure, convergence in L^p spaces, uniform convergence and Egorov’s theorem, the relations between modes of convergence.  
  • Rudin (Chapter 7), Folland (Sections 3.4 and 3.5).
  Maximal inequalities, Lebesgue points and Lebesgue’s differentation theorem, Lebesgue’s density theorem, absolutely continuous functions and the fundamental theorem of calculus.
Integration on Product Spaces
  • Rudin (Chapter 8), Folland (Section 2.5).
  Measurability on cartesian products, product measures, Tonelli’s theorem and Fubini’s theorem, completeness of product measures.  
  • Folland (Sections 8.1 and 8.2).
  Continuity of translation in the L^p norm, basic properties of convolution, derivatives of convolutions and approximate identities, density of smooth functions in L^p spaces.
Complex Measures
  • Rudin (Chapter 6), Folland (Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 6.2).
  Total variation, absolute continuity of measures, the theorem of Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym, bounded linear functionals on L^p spaces.  
Sample Exams

Careers in Mathematical Sciences

A degree in mathematics opens paths to diverse careers.
Earlier this month, 3 local alumni participated in a panel discussion on their career experiences, applying math to actuarial science, biostatistics, and education. They offered many valuable perspectives and advice for students. Some ideas include:

- Math skills are in demand and can set you apart from the crowd;

- Math courses provide a foundation for reasoning and picking up specific new skills such as in programming;

- Research projects and experiences can be life-changing;

- Be proactive, look out for opportunities and find joy in what you’re doing.

Mahalo to the participating alumni:
Jesse Agustin, Pacific Guardian Life

Kami White, UH Cancer Center

Robert Young, UH College of Education


Private tutoring

Interested in private tutoring?

Here is a list of graduate students who are willing to tutor
privately for the Spring 2024 term.

Moriah Aberle –
Arturo Jaime –
Dennis Le –
Rico Vicente –
Kestrel Strom –

Please contact them directly to make arrangements such as cost,
meeting time and place, etc.  The Mathematics Department is not
responsible for these arrangements.